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Supplier LogoAtollogy
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Supplier LogoAtollogy

Supplier Slogan
HQ LocationUnited States
Year Founded2016
Company TypePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m
Employees11 - 50
Website Open website
Company Description
Our mission is to make operational excellence easy and accessible for manufacturers of all shapes and sizes. Atollogy's proprietary algorithms and capabilities are revolutionizing how companies manage operations by integrating the physical world with Artificial Intelligence. Our team of Atollogists has more than 100 years of combined manufacturing industry experience with diverse and unique backgrounds.
IoT Solutions
Atollogy’s Manufacturing gives you the full picture by measuring both machines for utilization and people for efficiency. True productivity can now be captured. Atollogy can deliver: - Current state of all machines’ true productivity - Time travel to all machines’ true productivity - Percentage of shifts productive - Unbiased comparison of productivity between shifts and between machines of similar type - Unbiased breakdown of setup time vs. run time of machines Atollogy’s Yard Operations Solution gives you the full picture - by measuring both machines and equipment (utilization) & people (efficiency), true productivity is captured for the first time. Atollogy can deliver: - Average truck cycle time inside facility - Truck entrance and exit times including truck identification - Actual visit time stamps sharable with your customers. - Duration trucks wait to be unloaded after arrival - Duration a loading dock was inactive while trucks were waiting in the yard - Actual weights of truck loads and real time alters when trucks are overloaded
Key Customers
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
Use Cases
FunctionsProcess Manufacturing

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)None
Platform as a Service (PaaS)None
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNone
Analytics & ModelingNone
Functional ApplicationsNone
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNone
Networks & ConnectivityNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNone
Automation & ControlNone

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Supplier Slogan
HQ LocationUnited States
Year Founded2016
Company TypePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m
Employees11 - 50
Website Open website
Company Description
Our mission is to make operational excellence easy and accessible for manufacturers of all shapes and sizes. Atollogy's proprietary algorithms and capabilities are revolutionizing how companies manage operations by integrating the physical world with Artificial Intelligence. Our team of Atollogists has more than 100 years of combined manufacturing industry experience with diverse and unique backgrounds.
IoT Solutions
Atollogy’s Manufacturing gives you the full picture by measuring both machines for utilization and people for efficiency. True productivity can now be captured. Atollogy can deliver: - Current state of all machines’ true productivity - Time travel to all machines’ true productivity - Percentage of shifts productive - Unbiased comparison of productivity between shifts and between machines of similar type - Unbiased breakdown of setup time vs. run time of machines Atollogy’s Yard Operations Solution gives you the full picture - by measuring both machines and equipment (utilization) & people (efficiency), true productivity is captured for the first time. Atollogy can deliver: - Average truck cycle time inside facility - Truck entrance and exit times including truck identification - Actual visit time stamps sharable with your customers. - Duration trucks wait to be unloaded after arrival - Duration a loading dock was inactive while trucks were waiting in the yard - Actual weights of truck loads and real time alters when trucks are overloaded
Key Customers
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
Use Cases
FunctionsProcess Manufacturing

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)None
Platform as a Service (PaaS)None
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNone
Analytics & ModelingNone
Functional ApplicationsNone
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNone
Networks & ConnectivityNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNone
Automation & ControlNone

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