Supplier SloganEdge Intelligence for Industrial and Commercial IoTDemystifying IOT networks
HQ LocationFranceUnited StatesIndiaUnited StatesUnited StatesIsrael
Year Founded201620142017200920162017
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m$10-100m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees11 - 5051 - 20011 - 5051 - 20051 - 20011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
LEVERAGE NEXT GENERATION NEUROMORPHIC COMPUTING AT THE EDGE GrAI Matter Labs utilizes brain inspired neural network architecture to overcome the limitations of traditional Von Neumann machines and application processors. Our unique implementation is the only system that can leverage sparsity from an end-to-end perspective, a fully programmable approach for ease of implementation and offers ultra-low latency while preserving low power levels not feasible before.

FogHorn is a leading developer of “edge intelligence” software for industrial and commercial IoT applications. FogHorn’s software platform brings the power of Machine Learning and advanced analytics to the On-Premise edge environment enabling a new class of applications for advanced monitoring and diagnostics, asset performance optimization, operational intelligence and Predictive Maintenance use cases.

AiKaan (www.aikaan.io) is a Cloud based SaaS to solve Monitoring, Controlling and Debugging issues for large scale IoT Edge deployments with respect to smart cities, smart transportation/parking, smart vehicles, Industrial IoT and many more.

Our application continuously monitors the health of the system along with network and applications and provide you with an overview of how things are behaving on end devices. Our proactive monitoring algorithms can identify and learn the normal operating conditions of your systems and notify failures/anomalies.

Visit Aikaan.io for more information.

Toumetis is a profitable, innovative, and ambitious technology provider. They have built long-term partnerships with leading companies by creating large-scale, feature-rich applications for mobile use across all device types and industries. Their Cascadence predictive analytics platform and services help IoT companies mine their data extremely effectively to predict and prevent problems, enable Machine Learning, and manage digital rights.
Noodle.ai offers pioneering business solutions in Enterprise Artificial Intelligence, a unique collaboration among business executives, process experts, and Artificial Intelligence technologies (e.g., Machine Learning, predictive data analytics, data science). The company creates and implements these solutions to solve complex business challenges and drive dramatic improvements in customer, product, and enterprise operations.
DeepCube focuses on research and development of deep learning technologies that result in improved real-world deployment of AI systems.
IoT Solutions
CREATE MAGIC ON THE EDGE WITH GRAI ONE Ultra-low power, fully programmable neuromorphic computing for sensor analytics and machine learning – powered by brain-inspired technology. Real-time response for autonomous action Only architecture that can leverage sparsity at the edge for low power Fully programmable with standard frameworks and languages

AIKaan develops Cloud based Edge Controller to Orchestrate, Control and Manage Edge and Fog infrastructure.

AiKaan ensures predictable, reliable and secure data transfer from source (say a sensor node) to sink (analytics engine)

We are basically *not* an IOT solution providers or System integrators.But we work with IOT solution providers/System integrators

A Docker based software agent which is installed on each and every element of the
Edge Infrastructure to collect more than 50 data points with respect to "Network",
"Applications" and "Systems" and pass them to our Proprietary Edge Controller (VM)
i.e., AiCon.

A Cloud based Edge Controller that receives data from individual agents i.e.,
AiAgents, co-relates them and learn the behaviour of the Entire Edge infrastructure
through Machine Learning algorithms with features as:

The Noodle.ai Enterprise AI? Platform addresses each failure point in the data pipeline from edge device to on-prem and cloud. Realize the value of Industry 4.0 investments with a comprehensive data platform purpose-built for Artificial Intelligence. Applications Noodle.ai applications use Enterprise AI? to increase profit per hour flowing through your operations, all while eliminating waste (think Downtime, Scrap, WIP, FGI, Opex, and of course MWh & CO2).
The company’s numerous patented innovations include methods for faster and more accurate training of deep learning models, and drastically improved inference performance. DeepCube’s proprietary framework can be deployed on top of any existing hardware in both datacenters and edge devices, resulting in over 10x speed improvement and memory reduction.
Key Customers




Time Warner, Goldman Sachs, Yodlee
Big River Steel, Transplace, NFI, Xojet, SSAB Steel, Ternium, Sims Metal Management
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)Analytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsNetworks & ConnectivityPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingNetworks & ConnectivityPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & Middleware
IndustriesAutomotiveBuildingsCities & MunicipalitiesHealthcare & HospitalsMiningOil & GasRenewable EnergyRetailTransportationUtilitiesEquipment & MachineryElectrical GridsOil & GasRenewable Energy
Use CasesEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceMachine Condition MonitoringEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceComputer VisionRemote Asset ManagementEdge Computing & Edge IntelligencePredictive MaintenanceDemand Planning & ForecastingEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceInventory ManagementRemote Asset ManagementVisual Quality DetectionEdge Computing & Edge Intelligence
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingProcess ManufacturingDiscrete ManufacturingLogistics & TransportationWarehouse & Inventory Management
ServicesData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneMinorNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)NoneNoneModerateNoneMinorNone
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinor
Analytics & ModelingMinorModerateMinorModerateModerateModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneMinorNoneMinorNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

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Supplier SloganEdge Intelligence for Industrial and Commercial IoTDemystifying IOT networks
HQ LocationFranceUnited StatesIndiaUnited StatesUnited StatesIsrael
Year Founded201620142017200920162017
Company TypePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivatePrivate
Stock Ticker
Revenue< $10m$10-100m< $10m< $10m< $10m< $10m
Employees11 - 5051 - 20011 - 5051 - 20051 - 20011 - 50
Website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website Open website
Company Description
LEVERAGE NEXT GENERATION NEUROMORPHIC COMPUTING AT THE EDGE GrAI Matter Labs utilizes brain inspired neural network architecture to overcome the limitations of traditional Von Neumann machines and application processors. Our unique implementation is the only system that can leverage sparsity from an end-to-end perspective, a fully programmable approach for ease of implementation and offers ultra-low latency while preserving low power levels not feasible before.

FogHorn is a leading developer of “edge intelligence” software for industrial and commercial IoT applications. FogHorn’s software platform brings the power of Machine Learning and advanced analytics to the On-Premise edge environment enabling a new class of applications for advanced monitoring and diagnostics, asset performance optimization, operational intelligence and Predictive Maintenance use cases.

AiKaan (www.aikaan.io) is a Cloud based SaaS to solve Monitoring, Controlling and Debugging issues for large scale IoT Edge deployments with respect to smart cities, smart transportation/parking, smart vehicles, Industrial IoT and many more.

Our application continuously monitors the health of the system along with network and applications and provide you with an overview of how things are behaving on end devices. Our proactive monitoring algorithms can identify and learn the normal operating conditions of your systems and notify failures/anomalies.

Visit Aikaan.io for more information.

Toumetis is a profitable, innovative, and ambitious technology provider. They have built long-term partnerships with leading companies by creating large-scale, feature-rich applications for mobile use across all device types and industries. Their Cascadence predictive analytics platform and services help IoT companies mine their data extremely effectively to predict and prevent problems, enable Machine Learning, and manage digital rights.
Noodle.ai offers pioneering business solutions in Enterprise Artificial Intelligence, a unique collaboration among business executives, process experts, and Artificial Intelligence technologies (e.g., Machine Learning, predictive data analytics, data science). The company creates and implements these solutions to solve complex business challenges and drive dramatic improvements in customer, product, and enterprise operations.
DeepCube focuses on research and development of deep learning technologies that result in improved real-world deployment of AI systems.
IoT Solutions
CREATE MAGIC ON THE EDGE WITH GRAI ONE Ultra-low power, fully programmable neuromorphic computing for sensor analytics and machine learning – powered by brain-inspired technology. Real-time response for autonomous action Only architecture that can leverage sparsity at the edge for low power Fully programmable with standard frameworks and languages

AIKaan develops Cloud based Edge Controller to Orchestrate, Control and Manage Edge and Fog infrastructure.

AiKaan ensures predictable, reliable and secure data transfer from source (say a sensor node) to sink (analytics engine)

We are basically *not* an IOT solution providers or System integrators.But we work with IOT solution providers/System integrators

A Docker based software agent which is installed on each and every element of the
Edge Infrastructure to collect more than 50 data points with respect to "Network",
"Applications" and "Systems" and pass them to our Proprietary Edge Controller (VM)
i.e., AiCon.

A Cloud based Edge Controller that receives data from individual agents i.e.,
AiAgents, co-relates them and learn the behaviour of the Entire Edge infrastructure
through Machine Learning algorithms with features as:

The Noodle.ai Enterprise AI? Platform addresses each failure point in the data pipeline from edge device to on-prem and cloud. Realize the value of Industry 4.0 investments with a comprehensive data platform purpose-built for Artificial Intelligence. Applications Noodle.ai applications use Enterprise AI? to increase profit per hour flowing through your operations, all while eliminating waste (think Downtime, Scrap, WIP, FGI, Opex, and of course MWh & CO2).
The company’s numerous patented innovations include methods for faster and more accurate training of deep learning models, and drastically improved inference performance. DeepCube’s proprietary framework can be deployed on top of any existing hardware in both datacenters and edge devices, resulting in over 10x speed improvement and memory reduction.
Key Customers




Time Warner, Goldman Sachs, Yodlee
Big River Steel, Transplace, NFI, Xojet, SSAB Steel, Ternium, Sims Metal Management
Parent Company

IoT Snapshot
TechnologiesAnalytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingInfrastructure as a Service (IaaS)Analytics & ModelingFunctional ApplicationsNetworks & ConnectivityPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingAnalytics & ModelingNetworks & ConnectivityPlatform as a Service (PaaS)Analytics & ModelingApplication Infrastructure & Middleware
IndustriesAutomotiveBuildingsCities & MunicipalitiesHealthcare & HospitalsMiningOil & GasRenewable EnergyRetailTransportationUtilitiesEquipment & MachineryElectrical GridsOil & GasRenewable Energy
Use CasesEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceMachine Condition MonitoringEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceComputer VisionRemote Asset ManagementEdge Computing & Edge IntelligencePredictive MaintenanceDemand Planning & ForecastingEdge Computing & Edge IntelligenceInventory ManagementRemote Asset ManagementVisual Quality DetectionEdge Computing & Edge Intelligence
FunctionsDiscrete ManufacturingProcess ManufacturingDiscrete ManufacturingLogistics & TransportationWarehouse & Inventory Management
ServicesData Science Services

Technology Stack
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)NoneMinorNoneNoneNoneNone
Platform as a Service (PaaS)NoneNoneModerateNoneMinorNone
Application Infrastructure & MiddlewareNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneMinor
Analytics & ModelingMinorModerateMinorModerateModerateModerate
Functional ApplicationsNoneNoneMinorNoneNoneNone
Cybersecurity & PrivacyNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Networks & ConnectivityNoneNoneMinorNoneMinorNone
Processors & Edge IntelligenceNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone
Automation & ControlNoneNoneNoneNoneNoneNone

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