Predicting Eruptions in the Masaya Volcano with wireless Sensors
- 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
- 网络与连接 - 蜂窝
- 网络与连接 - 网关
- 传感器 - 湿度传感器
- 传感器 - 压力传感器
- 传感器 - 温度传感器
- 商业运营
- 室外环境监测
火山是最不可预测和最令人印象深刻的自然现象之一。世界各地的研究人员和科学家一直在试图发现火山内部发生的事情,以预测未来将拯救生命的火山喷发。多年来,他们的活动引发了巨大的灾难,熔岩流摧毁了整个定居点,并且由于气体散发或灰烬坠落而危及环境或人类健康。一些火山学家目前正专注于使用最新技术实时监测火山口内外发生的一切,以预测火山爆发。 Qwake 是一个将突破性的科学考察与尖端技术相结合以推动积极变革的全球品牌,它信任 Libelium 技术在尼加拉瓜马萨亚火山的地狱之口开发无线传感器网络。
封装的传感器平台是真空密封的,以防止火山口内以及火山附近区域的热量。大多数传感器将放置在大约 150 华氏度(约 65 摄氏度),尽管部分活火山达到 800 到 1,000 华氏度(在 426 到 537 摄氏度之间)。 Waspmote 即插即用! Smart Environment PRO 将信息直接发送到 Meshlium Gateway,在某些情况下发送到 Waspmote Plug&Sense!弱信号时作为中继站的环境控制。该数据是通过 XBee900HP 发送的。物联网网关收集数据并通过 3G 将信息发送到 GE 数据库,然后在 Predix 中进行可视化,Predix 是 GE 为工业互联网开发的基于云的软件平台。
Humidity, Pressure, Temperature
Case Study
Vestas: Turning Climate into Capital with Big Data
Making wind a reliable source of energy depends greatly on the placement of the wind turbines used to produce electricity. Turbulence is a significant factor as it strains turbine components, making them more likely to fail. Vestas wanted to pinpoint the optimal location for wind turbines to maximize power generation and reduce energy costs.
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Monitoring Unmanned Weather Stations
Unmanned weather stations play an essential role in the effort to analyze and predict the world's ever-changing weather patterns. The unmanned stations collect and store large amounts of weather data and then download the data at regular intervals to a back-end host for analysis and long-term storage. The computing device housed in the weather station must be robust enough to work continuously for long periods of time while exposed to a wide range of temperatures. It should also be able to collect readings from various sensors that use different data transmission protocols, and have the capability to store large amounts of data.
Case Study
Utility Company Saves $1M With Wireless Communications
PacifiCorp needed to monitor a 10-mile stretch of canal near the North Umpqua River 24/7 to prevent environmental damage. A reliable solar powered communications device with a small enough footprint to fit inside protective cabinets needed to be managed remotely when engineers are not available to make adjustments to the device directly.