跟踪和追踪系统为集装箱、车辆或其他财产的当前和历史位置提供实时或定期更新。解决方案可以应用计算和报告存储关注的跟踪财产的车辆和容器的位置。例如,如果已知一千个对象存储在Container中,则跟踪Container比跟踪每个单独的对象更具成本效益。但是,也可以直接监控高价值的单个对象。无线标签可以附加到具有固定参考点的物体上,该参考点从标签接收无线信号以确定它们的位置,就像将托盘装载到卡车上一样。或者,GPS 或其他技术可以使用卫星或蜂窝网络跟踪对象。实时定位系统的示例包括通过装配线跟踪产品、在仓库中定位商品托盘以及在集装箱在仓库中移动时对其进行跟踪。物理层通常是某种形式的射频通信,但有些系统使用光学或声学技术。
- 汽车
- 建筑与楼宇
- 离散制造
- 维护
跟踪解决方案市场预计将从 2018 年的 16.5 亿美元增长到 2023 年的 39.3 亿美元,复合年增长率为 18.9%。
资料来源: 市场与市场
Case Study
Automated Slab Tracking at ThyssenKrupp
Steel slabs usually weigh between 20 to 40 tons each. After production, the surface is scaly and rusty. Outdoor storage and sea shipment expose the slabs to rough conditions. Loading ocean vessels is time consuming and total cost can easily exceed a few hundred thousand USD.RFID technology offers many benefits. RFID transponders are small, store the identity of the labelled product and enable readingout this data via antennas from a distance of several metres. However, there are special requirements for the use of RFID in thesteel sector. Firstly, the radio waves of the RFID readers are reflected by metal which creates major problems for reading out.And secondly, they must be attached securely as the heavy slabs weigh tons and can rub against each other during the transporton ships and trains, causing the labels to become detached or to be destroyed.
Case Study
Remotely Control Industrial Spray Pump Maximize Efficiency
Graco industrial sprayer customers needed real-time data to maximize utilization of assets and crews, to deter unauthorized use of equipment, to keep equipment in top condition, and to provide more accurate job estimates and billing statements.