A Customized Cloud Framework Guarantees Vehicle's Mission and Health
- Analytics & Modeling - Big Data Analytics
- Equipment & Machinery
- Maintenance
- Machine Condition Monitoring
A large U.S. heavy equipment manufacturer and logistics company sell its vehicles to dealers who, in turn, rent or sell them to individual customers. An antiquated, on-premises data center made maintaining and managing its 400,000 pieces of heavy equipment a challenge.
This outdated environment also made it difficult to scale its vehicle monitoring capabilities, assess vehicle health proactively and capture analytics for insights into performance across the company. With its legacy data center at capacity and the high licensing fees associated with available marketplace solutions, the manufacturer needed a partner to help transform its business operations.
Leveraging Microsoft’s performance testing VSTS cloud platform, Cognizant developed a custom framework using defined parameters to capture health messages from each of the manufacturer’s vehicles. This system provides a customized view of a vehicle’s mission and overall health, including fuel level, mileage, engine start/stop, service required and parts needed.