M2X Integration - Birdi
- Cybersecurity & Privacy - Database Security
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - Cloud Databases
- Consumer Goods
Birdi is a smart air monitor that monitors air quality, everyday health hazards, pollution and emergencies like fire and carbon monoxide so you can stay connected and protected in your home. Birdi needed a reliable location to store time-series data and their service relies on the ability to provide device owners with notifications based on a specific event occurring.
Birdi uses AT&T’s M2X service to store real-time data like air quality, carbon monoxide, temperature, and smoke levels to ensure device owners the protection they’ve come to rely on. M2X offers time-series cloud data storage with multi-site data replication, ensuring service uptime. Additionally, M2X developer portal, data visualization, and extensive client libraries allowed Birdi to easily integrate their device with M2X. Software Components - M2X Time-Series Data Storage - M2X Streams - M2X Trigger Hardware Components - Birdi air quality sensor