Somfy Evolves Home Automation with Vodafone IoT
- Networks & Connectivity - Routers & Bridges
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) - Connectivity Platforms
TaHoma® is a wireless, multi-protocol service with a single intuitive interface which brings together all the devices installed in a house and allows users to control them from a smartphone, tablet or computer. For many residences, Internet access using fibre or digital subscriber line (DSL) infrastructure may be not be available due to location, or simply not installed due to second and third homes not being occupied for a large part of the year.
The Vodafone Managed IoT Connectivity Platform overcomes these coverage problems by providing reliable and consistent connectivity. Vodafone provides a small pre-configured router exclusively for Somfy which is automatically activated and connected to Internet roaming, allowing the home to be controlled from any location, especially in second homes where remote control is an added value.