Conversica > 实例探究 > 人工智能驱动的潜在客户管理增加了斯诺霍米什基督教青年会的会员数量
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AI-Driven Lead Management Boosts Membership for Snohomish YMCA

  • 销售与市场营销
  • 培训
斯诺霍米什基督教青年会 (Snohomish YMCA) 是较大的 Y 特许经营机构的一部分,在重新吸引前会员和不活跃会员方面面临着重大挑战。在健身行业,俱乐部通常每年都会失去 50% 的会员资格。对于斯诺霍米什基督教青年会来说,这意味着每年损失 10,000 名会员。此外,该俱乐部还拥有来自营地、儿童保育、个人训练、青少年运动和其他点菜项目等各种项目的 12,000 多名未接触过的潜在客户。该俱乐部仅有两名员工,无法有效跟进这些线索,导致大量潜在会员尚未开发。
斯诺霍米什基督教青年会 (Snohomish YMCA) 是一个以事业为导向的组织,是更大的 Y 特许经营权的一部分。每个 Y 都是独立运作的,但斯诺霍米什 YMCA 因其使用人工智能技术进行潜在客户管理而脱颖而出。该组织专注于青年发展、健康生活和社会责任。它提供各种项目,包括营地、儿童保育、个人训练、青少年运动和其他点菜项目。尽管员工人数不多,斯诺霍米什基督教青年会仍致力于有效且高效地吸引其会员和潜在会员。
为了应对这一挑战,Snohomish YMCA 实施了 Conversica 解决方案,为其小型销售团队配备了人工智能助手。这位 AI 助手的任务是吸引之前未接触过的 12,000 多个潜在客户。 Conversica 的 AI 助手与这些前会员进行了接触,并确定了 808 个热门线索进行跟进。随后,销售团队将 33% 的热门潜在客户转化为付费会员。通过利用 Conversica,YMCA 能够平均与每个潜在客户互动 14 次,实现了以前无法达到的转化率。人工智能助手用于吸引和追加销售现有的不活跃会员,并瞄准前会员重新加入俱乐部。
  • The implementation of the Conversica solution had a significant impact on Snohomish YMCA's operations. The AI assistant enabled the club to engage a large number of leads that would have otherwise remained untouched due to the small size of the sales team. This not only increased the number of potential members but also allowed the sales team to focus on converting hot leads into paying members. The persistent engagement of leads, averaging 14 times per lead, resulted in a conversion rate that was previously unachievable. The AI assistant also played a crucial role in re-engaging former members and upselling existing inactive members.
  • 808 new hot leads were uncovered by the AI assistant
  • 33% of the hot leads were converted into paying members
  • $115,000 in incremental revenue was generated in the first 12 months



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