Cisco Connected Manufacturing: Supply Chain Agility
- 消费品
- 商业运营
- 供应链可见性(SCV)
Coca-Cola Enterprises 是可口可乐产品的营销商、生产商和分销商。它是西欧的主要装瓶商,以前是北美大部分地区的主要装瓶商。
Cisco® Connected Manufacturing 解决方案提供智能、及时的信息和上下文协作,通过持续创新、差异化客户体验、供应链敏捷性和卓越运营来转变制造业务。这些领域之间密切的相互关系意味着对一个领域的投资可以推动其他领域的进一步改进。
沟通和信息对于高效的供应链至关重要。在整个供应链中安全地扩展访问和可见性可实现集成的工作流程,从而促进创新、效率和协作并降低业务风险。敏捷供应链是市场驱动的,具有更快的开发和产品或服务引入周期。无边界网络允许信息和决策快速流经供应链和组织,以立即响应市场需求。结果是更好的控制、减少过多的库存和物流成本、提高对客户需求或需求突然变化的响应能力以及更好的业务决策。思科互联制造解决方案将思科统一通信 VoIP Picking、工业以太网连接、虚拟化技术和无线移动性等功能结合在一起,可以轻松、安全地连接供应商、合作伙伴和客户。
• 使您的供应链实时适应不断变化的市场
• 提高效率并减少代价高昂的错误
• 通过减少空闲时间来降低成本
• 减少中断并将持续时间从几周缩短到几小时
• 在全球供应商网络中安全、轻松地共享信息
• 改进和加速决策并管理风险
• 调整价值链以满足并超越客户要求
• 减少运输时间和物流成本
• 充分利用低成本新兴市场
• 减少运输时间和物流成本
Idle Time, Supply Chain Optimization, Supplier Network, Logistics Cost
Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.
Case Study
Series Production with Lot-size-1 Flexibility
Nobilia manufactures customized fitted kitchens with a lot size of 1. They require maximum transparency of tracking design data and individual processing steps so that they can locate a particular piece of kitchen furniture in the sequence of processes.
Case Study
American Eagle Achieves LEED with GE LED Lighting Fixtures
American Eagle Outfitters (AEO) was in the process of building a new distribution center. The AEO facility management team decided to look at alternate options for lighting layout that could provide energy and maintenance savings. AEO would need a full-time maintenance employee just to replace burned-out fluorescent tubes.
Case Study
Revolutionizing Rodent Control
From pet- and child-safe traps, to touch-free and live-catch rodent control solutions, Victor continues to stay committed to producing superior products that meet the varying needs of today’s pest control professionals. And, with a long standing history supporting customers in the food processing, service, and retail settings, Victor knew that strict regulations were costing organizations thousands of dollars in excess overhead trying to manage their rodent-control solutions. Trap inspections in these environments are often difficult and time consuming, requiring personnel to manually check a trap’s status multiple times per day, amounting to over six hours of manual labor. Victor is looking for an innovative way to increase operational efficiencies with the use of technology.