insightsoftware > 实例探究 > BH Management 如何实现公寓单元增长 71% 的巨幅增长
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How BH Management Achieved a Colossal 71% Increase in Apartment Unit Growth

  • 分析与建模 - 大数据分析
  • 分析与建模 - 实时分析
  • 商业运营
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 质量预测分析
  • 供应链可见性(SCV)
  • 数据科学服务
  • 软件设计与工程服务
2014 年,BH Management 决定与一家专门为多户型房地产行业提供数据分析解决方案的软件供应商合作。他们的主要目标是找到并实施一个分析平台,以衡量财务和运营绩效,更准确地说,使他们能够进行年度净运营收入比较。在实现这些目标后,他们开始进一步定制他们实施的解决方案。BH Management 维护着大量需要汇总的不同数据。为了确保以对他们最有意义的方式完成这项工作,他们需要可以进行大量修改的额外软件。他们认识到需要具有深度和多功能性的软件,可以根据他们最渴望的功能进行定制。BH Management 别无选择,只能开始寻找一个新的商业智能 (BI) 平台。这一次,他们知道他们需要一个 BI 平台,该平台允许在创建数据可视化时进行几乎无限的自定义,并能满足他们提出的任何设计要求。
根据美国全国多户住宅委员会的数据,BH Management Services, LLC 是美国十大多户住宅物业管理公司之一,在近 300 个社区开展业务,拥有超过 90,000 套公寓单元,每年总收入超过 10 亿美元。这家公司最初成立于 1993 年,最初是一家小型初创公司,如今已发展壮大,目前由四个部门组成(BH Equities、BH Management Services、BH Architecture & Design 和 BH Construction Services),每个部门都对整体的成功至关重要。BH Management 专注于公寓社区的收购、改善和管理,能够在 19 个州提供优质生活环境,同时日复一日地为其每个合作伙伴和客户创造和最大化资产价值。
作为如此庞大、涵盖多户型物业的全国性公司的一部分,BH Management 拥有丰富的资源可供使用。因此,他们能够组建一支非凡的商业智能团队,该团队可以投入时间和精力来选择最佳的 BI 平台。虽然 BH Management BI 团队渴望拥有一个足够灵活的 BI 平台来满足其全公司部署的独特要求(必须汇总和分析所有四个部门的数据),但他们也意识到,要想保持领先地位并在物业管理领域保持竞争力(拥有内部最好的 BI 平台),他们就不能让自己停滞不前。因此,该团队知道他们需要一个 BI 平台来确保他们再也不需要牺牲分析能力。他们最终选择的工具需要易于扩展、可定制,并包含令人惊叹的可视化效果。它还需要易于管理;除了为 2200 多名员工提供不同级别的仪表板访问权限外,他们还向客户提供仪表板。在评估了 15 家不同的 BI 供应商后,BH Management 的 BI 团队与 Dundas 会面,作为唯一一家能够提供他们所设想的精确解决方案的供应商,搜索结束了。
  • Using Dundas BI, BH Management was able to drill-down into their data to the lowest granularity, allowing them to allocate their Marketing dollars in the most effective ways possible.
  • Performance is paramount in the property management industry; as such, it’s vital BH Management had insight into which of their properties were performing well and which weren’t. Prior to Dundas BI, inferences and insights into which properties were high-performers was still possible, albeit difficult and onerous to distill. However, since implementing Dundas BI, BH Management’s been able to attribute a score to each individual property and recognize precisely the status of each (and have maintained the ability to track metrics with similar logic as before). They’re now able to tell which properties are struggling, which are successful, and in which direction each is trending.
  • Furthermore, Community Managers are able to access these same dashboards, empowering them to execute their own analysis and determine which actions they should take to improve. BH Management has built an outstanding experience for their property managers; one that provides them the ability to review their properties at varying granularities. They’re able to isolate each property and immediately identify Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as performance-to-budget, occupancy rates, effective and average rents, etc. Community Managers can now perform forecasts and comparisons with ease.
  • From 2014 to 2019, BH Management has increased the number of apartments they manage by 71%.
  • Part of this growth can be attributed to BH Fusion (created using Dundas BI) and the impact it’s had on helping them achieve complete transparency with their data; an attribute that’s helped them close innumerable multi-million-dollar deals.




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