Conversica > 实例探究 > 提高保险行业的潜在客户质量和参与率:QuoteWizard 和 Conversica 案例研究
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Improving Lead Quality and Engagement Rates in Insurance Industry: A Case Study of QuoteWizard and Conversica

  • 金融与保险
  • 采购
  • 质量保证
  • 基于使用的保险
  • 视觉质量检测
  • 测试与认证
QuoteWizard 是美国最大的独立私营保险线索提供商之一,面临着提高客户线索质量和参与率的挑战。该公司为领先保险公司的数千名美国代理人提供高质量的保险线索。然而,在 2013 年秋天,QuoteWizard 的管理层开始探索新的方法来提高潜在客户来源的质量,从而使他们的保险代理客户能够提高参与率。该公司推出了 Conversica 销售转化管理解决方案试点,以协助开展内部活动,重新吸引以前的客户再次从 QuoteWizard 购买产品。管理层还根据 QuoteWizard 采购并销售给代理商的线索对 Conversica 进行了测试。
QuoteWizard 是美国最大的独立私营保险领先提供商之一。该公司总部位于西雅图,为数以千计的美国领先保险公司(包括 State Farm、Allstate、Geico、Nationwide、Farmers 等)的代理人提供高质量的保险线索。该公司致力于提供最优质的销售线索和最佳的座席体验。 QuoteWizard 被 Inc. Magazine、Deloitte 和 Puget Sound Business Journal 评为“发展最快的公司”。作为一家具有竞争力的潜在客户聚合商,QuoteWizard 的成长和成功是管理层不断追求目标的结果,即为客户寻找并提供最高质量的潜在客户。
QuoteWizard 将 Conversica 与其内部 CRM 系统集成,每周将来自多个来源的大约 2,000 个潜在客户输入 Conversica。每当一个新的、热门的潜在客户交给代理商时,它也会被发送到 Conversica 进行 24/7 全天候工作,直到该潜在客户参与或选择退出。作为潜在客户聚合商,QuoteWizard 可以将相同的潜在客户销售给不同运营商内的多个代理。该集成允许每个代理保留个性化的 Conversica 体验,并为人物角色提供自定义名称。超过 500 名代理商已使用 Conversica 来自动联系、参与、资格审查和跟进潜在客户。 QuoteWizard 还向其保险代理客户提供 Conversica 作为附加服务,以每个潜在客户的单独价格销售潜在客户,代理商可以选择通过 Conversica 管理潜在客户,但需支付额外费用。
  • The integration of Conversica with QuoteWizard's internal CRM systems has significantly improved the quality of leads and engagement rates for its clients. The company's clients have gained more insight into the true quality of the leads they purchase because of the visibility gained through Conversica’s two-way communication with leads. The feedback from the agents using Conversica has been overwhelmingly positive, with many testimonials from satisfied clients. Conversica has also provided robust metrics for evaluating the performance of lead sources, giving QuoteWizard more information to help determine which lead sources result in the highest engagement rate. This has been crucial in ensuring that QuoteWizard sells the highest quality leads, as the company knows that if their leads are not high quality, the agents will go elsewhere.
  • Increased engagement rates to between 25% and 40% depending on agent and line of business
  • Approximately 2,000 leads per week worked by Conversica
  • More than 500 agents have used Conversica to automatically contact, engage, qualify and follow up with leads




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