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IoT in Recruitment: Five Guys Burgers and Fries Case Study

Five Guys Burgers and Fries 是一家快速发展的连锁餐厅,在北美、欧洲、非洲和中东拥有 1,500 家分店,另有 1,500 家分店正在筹备中。该公司在招聘过程中面临着巨大的挑战。强劲的经济使得求职者能够更加谨慎地选择工作机会,而消费者对餐厅的需求则要求全年有更稳定的员工流。作为阿肯色州餐厅运营总监,我的任务是聘用顶尖人才,同时控制员工流动率,以提供卓越的服务。目标是吸引更广泛的受众,增加应聘者数量,实现预筛选和安排自动化,并缩短面试时间。
Five Guys Burgers and Fries 是一家快速发展的连锁餐厅,于 30 年前在弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿创立。如今,它在北美、欧洲、非洲和中东设有 1,500 个办事处,另有 1,500 个办事处正在开发中。这家连锁餐厅有着简单的精神和最高的品质,这帮助它在世界各地建立了狂热的追随者。公司不断寻找职业机会,并致力于通过聘用顶尖人才和控制员工流动率来提供卓越的服务。
为了应对这些挑战,Five Guys Burgers and Fries 向领先的端到端人工智能招聘公司 AllyO 求助。 AllyO 在几周内进行了定制和部署,以开始跨移动设备捕获和吸引潜在候选人。该解决方案通过快速、无缝的对话来筛选和安排候选人,而五人汉堡和薯条几乎零参与。这种智能招聘自动化技术成为一种强大的工具,无需额外资源即可扩展招聘增长。它使连锁餐厅能够自动进行预筛选和日程安排,从而减少面试时间并提高招聘流程的效率。
  • The implementation of AllyO's recruitment automation technology has significantly improved the recruitment process at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. The solution has enabled the restaurant chain to engage a wider audience and increase applicant capture. It has also automated the pre-screening and scheduling process, reducing the time to interview and making the recruitment process more efficient. Furthermore, the solution has allowed the company to scale its hiring growth without the need for additional resources. This has been crucial in a robust economy where job seekers are more selective about opportunities and consumer demand for restaurants is high.
  • Under $2 cost per interview
  • 1,076 applicants captured
  • 830 shared candidates



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