Bubble Group > 实例探究 > 利用物联网实现 COVID-19 数据可视化:Wellifi 案例研究 - Flatten the Curve 应用程序
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Leveraging IoT for COVID-19 Data Visualization: A Case Study on Wellifi - Flatten the Curve App

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COVID-19 大流行需要实时、准确且易于访问的数据来跟踪病毒的传播。 Wellifi - Flatten the Curve 的创始人 Craig Bramscher 和 Ron Hom 发现了这一需求,并试图创建一款应用程序来提供有关美国 COVID-19 病例的可视化数据。我们面临的挑战是开发一款应用程序,让用户能够一目了然地查看最新的案例数量,跟踪对他们来说重要的位置,并与朋友和家人分享这些信息。创始人还希望绘制图表并绘制出趋势,他们认为在了解美国不同城市、州和地区的情况时,趋势比总数更重要。
Wellifi - Flatten the Curve 应用程序的主要用户是美国境内的个人,他们希望随时了解自己所在地区和其他对其重要的地点的 COVID-19 传播情况。这些用户重视访问最新的可视化数据,以便他们能够轻松理解并与他人共享。他们可能精通技术并能轻松使用应用程序和社交网络功能。该应用程序还吸引了有兴趣跟踪个人健康和健身的用户,因为创始人计划将来将病毒跟踪纳入更大的健康和健身应用程序中。
解决方案是开发 Wellifi - Flatten the Curve 应用程序。该应用程序是使用 Bubble 构建的,Bubble 是一种功能强大的无代码解决方案,允许用户创建完全可定制的 Web 应用程序和工作流程。该应用程序利用《纽约时报》的信息来跟踪美国的 COVID-19 数据。它允许用户浏览数据、图表和绘制趋势,并跟踪对他们重要的位置。该应用程序还包括社交网络功能,使用户能够与朋友和家人共享数据,并找到关心同一位置的其他人。创始人计划将病毒跟踪作为他们即将推出的应用程序的一部分,该应用程序将跟踪个人健康和健身情况,而“Flatten the Curve”只是更大应用程序的一小部分。
  • The Wellifi - Flatten the Curve app has been successful in providing users with visual data on COVID-19 cases in the United States. The app's ability to chart and map out trends has given users a better understanding of how the virus is spreading in different cities, states, and regions. The social networking feature has also facilitated the sharing of information and fostered a sense of community among users. Furthermore, the use of Bubble as a no-code solution has enabled the founders to quickly and efficiently develop the app and plan for future enhancements, such as the incorporation of virus tracking into a larger health and fitness app.
  • The app was successfully delivered in just ten weeks from start to finish.
  • The app is built on the AWS infrastructure, which is known for its scalability and reliability.
  • Bubble, the no-code solution used to build the app, has over 400,000 users and has helped many businesses launch and raise venture funding.




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