Octane AI > 实例探究 > Jones Road Beauty 如何通过 TikTok 广告和测验实现 7 位数的收入
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Leveraging TikTok Ads and AI Quiz for Customer Acquisition: A Case Study on Jones Road Beauty

  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 水泥
  • 采购
  • 交通监控
  • 交通模拟
Jones Road Beauty 正在寻求将媒体购买扩展到另一个平台,以减少对 Facebook 的严重依赖。随着最近数据隐私方面的变化,Facebook 广告对于包括 Jones Road 在内的大多数 DTC 品牌来说变得更加昂贵,而且效果也越来越差。
Jones Road Beauty 是一个成长中的 8 位数品牌,由化妆师 Bobbi Brown 创立。该品牌提供适合各种肤质和肤色的洁净、高档化妆品配方,遵循严格的指导原则,消除潜在有害成分。
Jones Road Beauty 将他们所有的 TikTok 流量引导至一篇社论式广告,向用户介绍该品牌,然后引导他们进行“寻找我的肤色”测验。该测验收集电子邮件选择加入和有关用户皮肤和美容偏好的零方数据,作为交换提供个性化产品推荐。
  • The implementation of the TikTok ads and Octane AI quiz strategy has led to significant operational results for Jones Road Beauty. The brand has successfully managed to diversify its media buying strategy, reducing its reliance on Facebook. The use of an advertorial to educate users about the brand before leading them into the quiz has proven effective in engaging users and increasing conversions. The quiz has not only served as a tool for customer acquisition but also for data collection, enabling the brand to build its own customer datasets. This has allowed Jones Road Beauty to send personalized email and SMS flows to customers, nurturing personalized relationships with each customer. The brand's winning growth and retention strategy has revolved around showing ads to a broad audience on TikTok, acquiring zero-party data and email opt-ins of quiz takers, recommending the best products after prospects take the quiz, and continuing to nurture them with personalized content, offers, and product recommendations.

  • Collected 2,500,000 zero-party data points

  • 82% of site visitors who started the quiz completed it

  • 15% of quiz-takers made a purchase




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