Mubea's Innovative Approach to Automotive Component Design and Production with HyperWorks Unlimited
- 分析与建模 - 数字孪生/模拟
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 私有云
- 服装
- 汽车
- 采购
- 产品研发
- 结构健康监测
- 虚拟原型与产品测试
- 硬件设计与工程服务
- 系统集成
Mubea 是一家领先的汽车供应商,以其为大型汽车原始设备制造商 (OEM) 提供的创新轻量化项目而闻名。该公司率先推出了定制轧制毛坯(TRB)生产工艺,这是一种用于大批量生产的新型工艺。 TRB 允许工程师定制毛坯,使某些板材厚度精确地定位在需要的位置,从而生产出更具成本效益、重量更轻的部件。然而,公司在提高设计优化和创新能力方面面临挑战。 Mubea 主要使用 RADIOSS,这是 HyperWorks 套件中的一种结构分析求解器,用于解决动态载荷下的高度非线性问题。该公司希望扩大其当前的软件合同,并在其高性能计算 (HPC) 基础设施中添加新的集群,以支持其设计应用程序的当前和新用户。
Mubea 是一家领先的汽车供应商,经常为大型汽车原始设备制造商 (OEM) 执行轻量化项目。该公司是全球唯一一家能够在定制轧制毛坯 (TRB) 领域提供创新的汽车供应商。 Mubea 以高度协作的方式与 Altair 合作了六年多,经常向 Altair 传达有关新仿真用途的想法,并寻求建议,将其市场领先的 HyperWorks 计算机辅助工程 (CAE) 应用程序套件应用于 Mubea 的独特设计需求。
为了扩展计算机辅助工程 (CAE) 和 HPC 功能并减少计算时间,Mubea 采用了 Altair 的 HyperWorks Unlimited 物理设备,这是一种用于 CAE 的完全托管的先进 HPC 私有云设备。该交钥匙设备包括预配置的硬件和软件,可无限制地使用所有 HyperWorks 应用程序以及用于 HPC 工作负载管理的 PBS Works。 HyperWorks Unlimited 物理设备按年租赁提供,配置齐全,易于安装和管理。 Altair 与市场领先的硬件供应商合作提供并支持该解决方案,因此 Mubea 在硬件和软件方面只需要与一家供应商合作。
Case Study
Fire Alarm System and Remote Monitoring Sytem
Fire alarm systems are essential in providing an early warning in the event of fire. They help to save lives and protect property whilst also fulfilling the needs of insurance companies and government departments.Fire alarm systems typically consist of several inter-linked components, such as smoke detectors, heat detector, carbon monoxide, manual call points, sounders, alarm and buzzer. The fire alarm system should give immediate information in order to prevent the fire spread and protect live and property.To get maximum protection a shoe manufacturer in Indonesia opted for a new fire alarm system to monitor 13 production sites spread over 160 hectars. Although the company had an existing fire alarm system, it could not be monitored remotely.It was essential that the new system would be able to be monitored from a central control room. It needed to be able to connect to the existing smoke detector and manual call point. Information should be easily collected and passed on to the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. Furthermore, the system should have several features such as alarm management, auto reporting, being connected to many client computers without additional cost, and run 24/7 without fails. The company also needed a system which could be implemented without changing the architecture of the existing fire alarm system.
Case Study
IoT Applications and Upgrades in Textile Plant
At any given time, the textile company’s manufacturing facility has up to 2,000 textile carts in use. These carts are pushed from room to room, carrying materials or semi-finished products. Previously, a paper with a hand-written description was attached to each cart. This traditional method of processing made product tracking extremely difficult. Additionally, making sure that every cart of materials or semi-finished products went to its correct processing work station was also a problem. Therefore, the company desired an intelligent solution for tracking assets at their factories. They also wanted a solution that would help them collect process data so they could improve their manufacturing efficiency.
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).