DocuWare > 实例探究 > 国家农作物保险服务
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National Crop Insurance Services

  • 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
  • 农业
  • 商业运营
  • 系统集成
国家农作物保险服务 (NCIS) 是一家代表 18 家农作物保险公司的国际非营利组织。他们管理数据和信息,进行研究和分析,并开展有关理赔、道德、政策和程序的教育活动。NCIS 拥有 45 名员工,需要一个安全的单一位置来存储和管理公司文件,例如内部会议记录、联邦政府信息以及分发给其成员的公告。他们还需要一种更好的方法来跟踪他们在制定决策过程中的不同版本的笔记,并且他们需要能够轻松研究做出决策的时间和原因。该组织还需要更新其有关电子邮件的文档保留策略,以释放其服务器上的空间。总的来说,他们看到了尽可能无纸化流程的好处。
国家农作物保险服务公司是一家国际非营利组织,代表 18 家销售联邦农作物保险的农作物保险公司,以及仅提供私营农作物冰雹保险的其他公司。NCIS 成员提供农作物冰雹保险、联邦支持的风险管理计划和私人开发的农作物保险产品,总保费超过 110 亿美元,2014 年保险价值接近 1500 亿美元。NCIS 代表其成员收集和管理数据和信息,进行研究和分析,作为农作物冰雹计划的持牌统计机构,并就索赔调整、道德、政策和程序开展广泛的教育活动。NCIS 成员的规模从单一州的公司到国家级的保险公司,以及国际公司成员不等。这些公司为参与联邦计划的所有农民提供服务,包括资源有限和社会弱势农民。这些私营公司与政府合作,提供安全网,公平地为美国农民和牧场主提供有效的风险管理工具。
NCIS 与他们信任的 IT 供应商讨论了他们的需求,供应商推荐并安装了 DocuWare。该软件最初在人力资源部门推出,所有员工都接受了如何使用该软件管理时间卡、时间表和休假申请的培训。这样做是为了让整个组织在将 DocuWare 推广到工作流程更复杂的其他领域之前,对它感到满意。接下来,DocuWare 被推广用于管理具有长期保留计划的会议记录。如今,会议记录存储在 DocuWare 中,可以通过笔记本电脑、手机或平板电脑获取,无需通过电子邮件发送笔记。版本控制用于帮助员工跟踪高优先级决策并记录政策决策的演变。NCIS 决定将董事会会议记录回溯到 1997 年。过去,NCIS 每年会向其成员邮寄五到六次 CD,其中包含全国每个县和作物的联邦报告。如今,成员代理可以通过 NCIS 的网站登录 DocuWare,下载或访问与他们客户相关的信息。代理商使用这些信息来确定农作物的保费和保险金额,因此了解他们始终查看最新信息至关重要。
  • The more NCIS used DocuWare the more uses they found for the software. Their DocuWare system has expanded from purely storing HR and meeting minutes to a seamless integration with Peachtree, their accounting system. NCIS can access their AP invoices and other accounting records that are stored in a DocuWare file cabinet directly from the accounting software. When an invoice is processed in the accounting software, the index fields for the image of the actual invoice are updated automatically, keeping both software solutions working together.
  • Using version control for meeting minutes lets NCIS manage their meeting minutes with transparency. Version 1 is the working draft, version 2 means the minutes have been approved by the Legal Department, version 3 minutes contain revisions. At the next meeting, the version 3 minutes are opened, formally approved and stored as version 4. By using version numbers, the staff can see what changes were made and where in the process they were made for complete transparency.
  • The organization was also able to update their document retention policy. Important email can be archived in DocuWare in its native format and easily searched. All other messages are stored for two years then deleted. By implementing this policy, the organization was able to free up needed room on its email server and guarantee that vital content was not lost.
  • NCIS members write crop-hail insurance, the federally-supported risk management program, and privately developed crop insurance products, totaling more than $11 billion in premiums, with an insured value of nearly $150 billion in 2014.
  • In 2014, 1.2 million policies were sold protecting more than 120 different crops covering 294 million acres, an area larger than Texas and California combined, with an insured value of $110 billion.




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