Nintex > 实例探究 > 对数据泄露的快速响应:银行机构使用物联网的案例研究
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Rapid Response to Data Breaches: A Case Study on Banking Institution's Use of IoT

  • 分析与建模 - 机器人过程自动化 (RPA)
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 备份与恢复
  • 金融与保险
  • 人力资源
  • 维护
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 物料搬运自动化
2013 年,Target Corporation 经历了历史上最大规模的信用卡泄露事件之一,黑客窃取了近 7000 万张信用卡和借记卡号码。此次违规行为对中小型发卡机构造成了重大影响,他们面临着手动更改持卡人限额、记录账户、然后取消和重新发卡的艰巨任务。一家拥有 5 亿美元资产的马萨诸塞州社区银行发现,大约 10% 的持卡人群体(900 张卡)可能受到此次泄露的影响。此类违规事件的传统恢复流程包括手动向受影响的客户发送信件和电子邮件、手动降低交易限额、手动更新账户信息,然后手动取消和重新发行卡。这个过程非常耗时、劳动密集型,并且容易出现人为错误。
本案例研究中的客户是一家位于马萨诸塞州的社区银行,拥有 5 亿美元的资产。该银行受到 2013 年 Target Corporation 信用卡泄露事件的严重影响,大约 10% 的持卡人群体(900 张卡)可能受到损害。该银行面临着手动更改持卡人限额、记录账户、然后取消和重新发行卡的艰巨任务。然而,作为 Nintex Foxtrot RPA 的客户,该银行能够利用该数据自动化软件来自动化整个恢复过程,节省大量时间和金钱,并确保 100% 的准确性。
该银行已经是 Nintex Foxtrot RPA 的客户,利用该数据自动化软件快速准确地自动执行取消和重新发行受损卡的过程,以最大程度地减少客户停机时间。 Nintex Foxtrot RPA 就像自动化员工一样,自动且完全准确地执行任何非结构化手动任务,例如数据输入或维护。该银行使用其数据仓库识别出任何活跃且可能受到 Target 违规影响的账户。然后,Nintex Foxtrot RPA 提取这些客户的姓名、地址和其他信息,并填写套用信函和电子邮件,通知客户遭到泄露。然后,它会自动执行文件维护、更改用户代码并向每个受影响的帐户添加注释。随后,该银行开始调整借记限额,并为据信已被盗用的大约 900 张卡中的每张卡更新用户代码。所有这一切都在几个小时内完成。
  • The use of Nintex Foxtrot RPA allowed the bank to manage the data breach recovery process in a more efficient and accurate manner. The automation software performed tasks that would have otherwise been handled manually, reducing the risk of human error and significantly speeding up the recovery process. The bank was able to quickly notify customers of the breach, update their spending limits, and issue new cards, thereby minimizing customer downtime and inconvenience. Furthermore, the bank was able to mitigate the risk associated with the fraud and minimize the amount of interchange income they would lose. The bank's Assistant Vice President of Operations Systems noted that once a process is built with Nintex Foxtrot RPA, it's not even an event anymore, highlighting the software's ability to effectively manage such situations.
  • Nintex Foxtrot RPA was able to reissue cards at a rate of 6 per minute, and update and note 10 accounts per minute.
  • The bank saved thousands of dollars in outsourcing by using Nintex Foxtrot RPA to automate the data breach recovery.
  • The bank was able to condense what would otherwise be a days-long process into a matter of hours.




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