Aptean > 实例探究 > RSA 集团:投诉处理集成项目 (CHIP)
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RSA Group: The Complaints Handling Integration Project (CHIP)

  • 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
  • 金融与保险
  • 软件设计与工程服务
2012 年,英国金融服务管理局 (FSA) 宣布将把权力移交给金融业的新监管机构——金融行为监管局 (FCA)。随着投诉管理法规越来越严格,RSA 借此机会彻底改革了其客户关系职能。目标是通过重组相关团队、改变公认的规范并为员工提供合适的软件来完成工作,使 RSA 成为投诉处理领域的市场领导者。RSA 实施了所谓的投诉处理整合项目 (CHIP),从根本上全面审查 RSA 的投诉处理。这包括三个独立的部分:人员、流程和技术。在审查人员和流程的同时,RSA 重新设计了他们处理投诉的方式,以符合新法规,同时也符合他们自己的内部最佳实践系统。
RSA 是世界领先的跨国保险集团之一,拥有 300 年的历史。他们拥有 19,000 名员工,为 140 多个国家的 1700 万客户提供服务。RSA 的目标是通过重组相关团队、改变公认的规范并为员工提供合适的软件来完成工作,使自己成为投诉处理领域的市场领导者。RSA 实施了所谓的投诉处理整合项目 (CHIP),这是对 RSA 投诉处理从根本和分支层面进行的全面审查。它由三个独立的部分组成:人员、流程和技术。
RSA 对其客户服务团队进行了重大变革。此前,600 名员工将处理投诉作为日常工作的一部分。这意味着他们的注意力并没有集中在提供与投诉专家同等的服务上。如今,60 名员工接受了专门处理和处理投诉的培训,而不会被常规客户服务问题所影响。为了支持新团队及其新结构,并支持整个 CHIP 项目,该计划的一个关键部分是用适合投诉管理的专业技术取代 RSA 老化且受限的投诉处理系统。RSA 需要一个现代化的系统,帮助他们遵守法规,并将高效、灵活和全面的投诉处理作为常态引入。在访问另一家保险公司后,Aptean 的 Respond 显然在竞争中脱颖而出。RSA 能够在 Aptean 的控制之外看到 Respond 的实际运行,确认 Respond 能够完全满足他们的需要。
  • RSA has seen multiple benefits since implementing Aptean’s Respond. Previously, management spent too long running reports and generating charts, time needed for running the business not manually completing processes.
  • The level of monitoring provided by real time MI means that reaction times have improved and the in-depth data analysis functionality has been of great assistance in driving action within the business, especially for RSA’s dedicated MI & Performance Team, who make sure they are working well within FCA regulations.
  • Respond’s ability to reallocate cases in bulk became a saviour for RSA during a period of extremely bad winter weather. Members of the complaints team had difficulty getting into work and without this feature their individual case-loads would have been difficult to hand over.
  • 60 members of staff have been trained to specifically handle and work within complaints, without dilution into regular customer service issues.
  • Aptean’s Respond has helped RSA to keep their customers at the heart of their business.
  • Respond has been constantly available and this has reduced lost hours compared to when staff were previously unable to access the system, saving money in the process.




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