Bentley > 实例探究 > SAIDEL Engineering 针对地铁隧道上住宅建筑的创新岩土工程解决方案
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SAIDEL Engineering's Innovative Geotechnical Solution for Residential Building over Subway Tunnels

  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 事件驱动型应用
  • 传感器 - 振动传感器
  • 水泥
  • 建筑与基础设施
  • 产品研发
  • 楼宇自动化与控制
  • 公共交通管理
在罗马尼亚西布加勒斯特,一家土地开发商启动了一项耗资 250 万欧元的项目,在地铁隧道上建造该市第一座住宅楼。该建筑最初规划为一栋 10 层建筑,设有地下停车场。作为位于隧道保护区的先锋项目,它的占地面积不规则,需要地铁运营商的批准,需要证明隧道的最小位移和对结构力的影响。 SAIDEL Engineering 的任务是提供结构和岩土工程设计,目标是通过提供安全且经济高效的基础来减少建筑物对隧道衬砌的整体影响。该项目非常复杂,需要 SAIDEL Engineering 修改占地面积的形状,以减少建筑物的不规则性,同时仍然符合其功能和建筑需求,而且还需要获得保守的地铁运营商的批准。此前曾被拒绝,随后又拖延了两年,直到 SAIDEL Engineering 介入。
SAIDEL Engineering 是一家罗马尼亚工程公司,专门从事岩土工程和结构设计。他们使用 Bentley 的 PLAXIS 软件已有近十年的时间,这帮助他们高精度、高效地交付复杂的项目。在这个项目中,他们面临的挑战是为西布加勒斯特地铁隧道上建造的住宅楼设计一个安全且具有成本效益的地基。该项目是该市的先驱项目,需要得到地铁运营商 Metrorex 的批准。该公司在岩土工程方面的专业知识以及对使用 PLAXIS 等先进软件的熟练程度在克服挑战和提供成功的解决方案方面发挥了至关重要的作用。
SAIDEL Engineering 最初进行了 2D 岩土分析,以确定并提出符合位移和结构要求的开挖和基础的可行解决方案。然而,他们希望通过 3D 岩土建模和分析来提高概念基础设计的安全性。在获得开挖批准的同时,SAIDEL Engineering 还寻求开发 3D 模型,以提高精度并优化待批准的岩土设计。他们在对桩和桥墩荷载进行建模时遇到了许多障碍,而且模型规模也很大,该模型具有超过 110 万个单元和 150 万个节点。他们需要先进的岩土工程应用程序来为地铁运营商提供准确、高质量的设计和文档,证明结构基础和其顶部的 10 层住宅楼对隧道衬砌的影响最小。他们使用 PLAXIS 进行平面应变分析并开发 3D 模型以提高精度和优化,将 3D 分析与原始 2D 模型进行比较,以进一步增强项目基础的信心。
  • The use of PLAXIS facilitated highly accurate modeling and analysis that enabled SAIDEL Engineering to achieve approval of the project and get it back on track in just three months, after a lingering two-year hiatus. The software’s highly advanced soil models and dynamic construction simulation provided a fast, user-friendly, and reliable engineering environment that accelerated precise finite element modeling, improving overall geotechnical and structural iterations. As a pioneer residential project for the city, it unlocks the potential for future development over the Bucharest subway tunnels. Through their successful 3D geotechnical modeling solutions supported by PLAXIS, SAIDEL Engineering increased their visibility as an organization, driving emulation of their methods and geotechnical competition. The project provides a model for future endeavors to follow.
  • SAIDEL Engineering delivered a design solution that achieved the subway operator’s approval within three months.
  • The firm's 3D calculation showed that this design resulted in just over approximately 6 millimeters of uplift during excavation and settlement during building service, minimally impacting the subway tunnels.
  • With their design solution, SAIDEL Engineering reduced the influence on the tunnel lining by 50% in terms of displacements and structural forces.




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