Zscaler > 实例探究 > 过渡到远程工作:澳大利亚国民银行云迁移案例研究
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Transitioning to Remote Work: A Case Study of National Australia Bank's Cloud Migration

  • 金融与保险
  • 国家安全与国防
  • 采购
  • 产品研发
  • 校园网
  • 篡改检测
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
澳大利亚国民银行 (NAB) 是澳大利亚“四大”金融机构之一,在平衡在线交易的便利性与个人直接参与大额交易的需求方面面临着重大挑战。该银行还面临着严格的数据隐私要求、低风险承受能力以及金融服务行业典型的监管限制。在 2010 年代中期,NAB 认识到迁移到云的潜在价值,特别是在加强其安全状况方面。然而,这一转变并非没有挑战。 2020 年初,新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情爆发,导致客户呼叫量激增,为了保证 NAB 员工的安全,需要转向远程工作。这种突然的变化带来了实际挑战,因为并非所有 NAB 员工都具备远程工作能力。
澳大利亚国民银行 (NAB) 是澳大利亚“四大”金融机构之一,为澳大利亚、新西兰和整个亚洲的消费者和商业利益服务。 NAB 拥有超过 900 万客户,是澳大利亚最大的商业银行,也是拥有 160 年历史的国家标志性银行。该银行的 IT 组织为 1500 多个分行的业务运营提供支持,其 IT 团队由企业技术主管 Steve Day 领导。 NAB 的收入为 12B40 美元,在 8 个国家和 1600 个地点拥有 35,000 名员工。
为了应对这些挑战,NAB 投资了 Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA),为用户实施本地互联网突破并利用 ZIA 的云沙箱安全技术。该银行向云的转变是由安全优先事项驱动的,重点是实现零信任环境。当疫情来袭时,国民银行必须迅速扩大业务规模,以适应更高的客户呼叫量并为其员工提供远程工作。该银行意识到,由于采购传统连接硬件需要时间和成本,因此无法快速扩展其现有 VPN 解决方案。相反,NAB 选择加速推出 Zscaler Private Access (ZPA),转向远程访问模式并为数千名员工部署 ZPA。这使他们能够从远程位置访问公司资源,从而促进顺利过渡到远程工作。
  • NAB's transition to the cloud and implementation of ZIA and ZPA resulted in a more secure and flexible operational environment. The bank was able to achieve its goal of a Zero Trust environment, reducing the number of potential attack points by eliminating the need for a separate corporate network. The accelerated rollout of ZPA in response to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the solution's ease of use and flexibility, enabling a rapid shift to a remote-access model. This allowed NAB to continue serving its customers effectively during a time of crisis, while also ensuring the safety of its employees. The successful deployment of ZPA was also a testament to the efforts and insourcing work of NAB's internal teams.
  • NAB was able to accommodate three-to-four times its normal commercial and consumer banking volume during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The bank successfully transitioned 4,500 employees to remote work in response to a COVID-19 case in the workplace.
  • NAB deployed ZPA for thousands of employees, enabling them to access corporate resources from remote locations.




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