Valisure: Revolutionizing Pharmacy with IoT and eCommerce
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 消费品
- 药品
- 采购
- 产品研发
- 系统集成
- 测试与认证
Valisure 是一家致力于对其所有产品进行化学验证的药房,面临着多项挑战。该公司有一个独特的主张,即验证和签署每批销售的每种药物,但他们缺乏一个平台来展示和营销这种差异化。他们还需要获得 LegitScript 认证才能在线提供处方药。此外,他们还与一家新的支付提供商签订了合同,该合同需要与他们的 PrimeRx ERP 集成。他们的投资者要求在推出解决方案方面取得重大进展,这将他们未来的资金置于风险之中。最后,Valisure 只能向某些州的客户销售特定的处方药。他们需要一种解决方案,可以根据客户订购的州限制查看或购买处方药的能力。
Valisure 是美国第一家对其所有产品进行化学验证且无需向消费者支付额外费用的药房。该公司由亚当·克拉克·约瑟夫 (Adam Clark-Joseph) 和大卫·莱特 (David Light) 创立,他们是耶鲁大学时代的好友,当时亚当因抗惊厥药物的批次差异而出现严重并发症。他们对缺乏足够的保障措施感到震惊,决心制定解决方案。他们组建了一支由科学家、企业家和专家组成的团队来开发和部署解决方案,最终创建了 Valisure。该公司致力于防止任何人因劣质药物而遭受不良影响。
为了应对这些挑战,技术解决方案提供商 Clarity 应运而生。他们在一个月内推出了一款符合 HIPAA 标准的定制电子商务解决方案。 Clarity 利用之前 HIPAA 合规客户项目的经验,为 Valisure 复制了该环境。他们集成了新的支付网关,建立了处方药审批的自定义注册流程,并启动了 HIPAA 验证网站,所有这些都在 4 周的时间内完成。 PrimeRx 集成被推到了未来阶段,定制设计被放弃。使用的前端 CMS 是 DNN 的 Evoq Professional,并且使用了 HTML5、CSS3、Modernizr、Clarity Connect、JavaScript、JQuery、Telerik 控件和各种 DNN 模块等技术来实现各种特性和功能。
Case Study
Case Study: Pfizer
Pfizer’s high-performance computing software and systems for worldwide research and development support large-scale data analysis, research projects, clinical analytics, and modeling. Pfizer’s computing services are used across the spectrum of research and development efforts, from the deep biological understanding of disease to the design of safe, efficacious therapeutic agents.
Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.
Case Study
Fusion Middleware Integration on Cloud for Pharma Major
Customer wanted a real-time, seamless, cloud based integration between the existing on premise and cloud based application using SOA technology on Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform, a Contingent Worker Solution to collect, track, manage and report information for on-boarding, maintenance and off-boarding of contingent workers using a streamlined and Integrated business process, and streamlining of integration to the back-end systems and multiple SaaS applications.
Case Study
Process Control System Support
In many automated production facilities, changes are made to SIMATIC PCS 7 projects on a daily basis, with individual processes often optimised by multiple workers due to shift changes. Documentation is key here, as this keeps workers informed about why a change was made. Furthermore, SIMATIC PCS 7 installations are generally used in locations where documentation is required for audits and certification. The ability to track changes between two software projects is not only an invaluable aid during shift changes, but also when searching for errors or optimising a PCS 7 installation. Every change made to the system is labour-intensive and time-consuming. Moreover, there is also the risk that errors may occur. If a change is saved in the project, then the old version is lost unless a backup copy was created in advance. If no backup was created, it will no longer be possible to return to the previous state if and when programming errors occur. Each backup denotes a version used by the SIMATIC PCS 7 system to operate an installation. To correctly interpret a version, information is required on WHO changed WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY: - Who created the version/who is responsible for the version? - Who released the version? - What was changed in the version i.e. in which block or module of the SIMATIC PCS 7 installation were the changes made? - When was the version created? Is this the latest version or is there a more recent version? - Why were the changes made to the version? If they are part of a regular maintenance cycle, then is the aim to fix an error or to improve production processes? - Is this particular version also the version currently being used in production? The fact that SIMATIC PCS 7 projects use extremely large quantities of data complicates the situation even further, and it can take a long time to load and save information as a result. Without a sustainable strategy for operating a SIMATIC PCS 7 installation, searching for the right software version can become extremely time-consuming and the installation may run inefficiently as a result.
Case Study
Series Production with Lot-size-1 Flexibility
Nobilia manufactures customized fitted kitchens with a lot size of 1. They require maximum transparency of tracking design data and individual processing steps so that they can locate a particular piece of kitchen furniture in the sequence of processes.