Altium > 实例探究 > Vendo 的创新飞跃:从传统自动售货机到 Altium Designer 的机器人自动售货机
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Vendo's Innovative Leap: From Traditional Vending Machines to Robotic Ones with Altium Designer

  • 处理器与边缘智能 - 微控制器与印刷电路板 (PCB)
  • 电子产品
  • 玻璃
  • 产品研发
  • 质量保证
  • 最后一英里交付
  • 视觉质量检测
  • 测试与认证
  • 培训
Sanden Vendo America Inc. 是一家总部位于达拉斯的公司,在自动售货设备的设计、制造和销售方面拥有 60 多年的经验,该公司决定在自动售货机中采用电子控制,将其业务提升到一个新的水平。三年前,该公司决定通过购买合适的原理图输入和 PCB 布局软件,将其业务的电子设计部分转移到内部。该决定旨在实现更快的设计周转时间、提高 IP 安全性和更严格的设计控制。然而,此举也带来了潜在的挑战,例如软件的学习曲线、效率和技术支持质量。为了保持其在自动售货机行业的领先地位,Sanden Vendo 需要电子设计工具来促进其创新设计,同时不会造成生产延迟或质量控制方面的妥协。
Sanden Vendo America Inc. 总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯,是一家全球饮料自动售货机供应商。该公司设计、制造和销售技术创新产品,包括可编程电子自动售货机、可容纳各种尺寸和形状塑料瓶的大容量机器,以及接受借记卡和智能卡的机器。 Sanden Vendo 与世界各地众多的销售、服务和制造业务合作,并继续将其业务范围扩展到非洲、中东、拉丁美洲和东欧等市场。 1999 年,Sanden Vendo 获得了 ISO 9001 认证,并继续推行其他多项质量举措。
为了寻找最终的软件解决方案,Sanden Vendo 评估了多个设计软件包,包括 OrCad® capture 和 Altium Designer。鉴于他们是电子设计软件的首次用户,他们对软件供应商的易用性和客户支持方面的要求尤其重要。决定向 Sanden Vendo 的工程部门员工提供该软件,而不是引入专门的 PCB 设计专家,因此必须找到一个直观、易于使用的软件包。经过评估后,Sanden Vendo 发现 Altium Designer 明显胜出,在四个关键领域表现出色;质量、易用性、价格和售后服务。借助 Altium Designer,Sanden Vendo 能够进行其最雄心勃勃的自动售货机设计 - “Glass Front Vendor”,这是世界上第一台使用机器人技术的自动售货机。
  • With the implementation of Altium Designer, Sanden Vendo engineers were able to meet their expectations in all of the critical areas, without the need for technical support or additional training. The new tools have since been used for schematic layout and PCB design in all Sanden Vendo machines. The advancements in this release were found to be a 'serious improvement' and an extremely valuable upgrade for Sanden Vendo. The company is now equipped with the latest version of Altium Designer and has successfully completed its most ambitious vending machine design - the 'Glass Front Vendor'. This sophisticated machine, which uses robotics technology to deliver the product to customers, relies heavily on relatively complex but reliable electronic control modules. Both Sanden Vendo and engineer Yogesh Patel are extremely satisfied with Altium Designer, which has completely met their aim of utilising powerful but intuitive design software to enhance their business.
  • The project was completed over a period of about 18 months
  • The machine's complex electronics are contained in six circuit boards
  • The main 4-layer processor board controls all aspects of the machine




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