GPS Insight > 实例探究 > Western Utility Prevents Equipment Theft and Efficiently Dispatches Workers during Emergency Situations
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Western Utility Prevents Equipment Theft and Efficiently Dispatches Workers during Emergency Situations

  • 传感器 - 全球定位系统
  • 电信
  • 公用事业
  • 物流运输
  • 维护
  • 车载远程信息处理
  • 车队管理
  • 盗窃检测
  • 系统集成
Western Utility had several vehicles stolen, only to be recovered days later stripped of over $35,000 in tools. They needed to find a way to prevent any further thefts of company vehicles and their valuable tools. WUC also needed to know where their vehicles were at any given moment so they could be dispatched in case of emergency situations, such as cable or phone outages, traffic signal outages, or sewer and waterline breaks.
Western Utility Contractors is a mid-sized company with a fleet of 55 vehicles. The company has been in business for 13 years and services Telecommunications as well as Electrical and Sewer and Water Utilities. The company had faced challenges with vehicle thefts and the subsequent loss of valuable tools. They also needed a solution to efficiently dispatch their vehicles during emergency situations.
Western Utility installed GPS Insight in every fleet vehicle. This solution allowed them to track their vehicles in real-time, which helped in preventing thefts and in efficient dispatch during emergencies. The GPS Insight solution also provided diagnostic reporting which helped the company's mechanics to efficiently maintain the work trucks by diagnosing problems as they occur. This saved the company time and money that would have been spent in bringing a vehicle into the shop, hooking up their diagnostic computer, finding the problem, ordering parts and then finally making the repairs.
  • The GPS Insight solution has allowed for more efficient dispatch, leading to decreased response time.
  • The diagnostic reporting has allowed Western Utility's mechanics to efficiently maintain the work trucks by diagnosing problems as they occur.
  • The GPS Insight speeding and excessive idling alerts and reports have forced drivers to slow down and shut off their vehicles, leading to savings on fleet operating costs.
  • Prevented thefts of company vehicles and their valuable tools.
  • Decreased response time due to efficient dispatch.
  • Saved on fleet operating costs due to reduced speeding and idling.




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