DasData 汇集了环境传感器,使全球企业和组织能够安全地存储数据并在紧急情况下立即采取行动。 DasData 为智慧城市和可持续环境构建典型的“物联网”平台,提供监测空气和水质的解决方案,并以高效、动态的方式管理废物。 DasData 是物联网平台,可让您立即将所有传感器的实时数据连接到云端,并安全地存储或与世界共享。
Case Study
Smart Romanian City
Onesti City Hall current data center infrastructure is manly used for internal use and adding more servers and licenses rise the cost of public expenditure. Additionally, Onesti City Hall wants a secure system that will can interact with the local community to rise the engagement of the citizens using their mobile devices.
Yazzoom is a software, Data Science and engineering company specialized in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence solutions for industrial applications.Besides custom advanced data analytics software, Yazzoom has developed two standard products: a predictive modelling software suite and an AI-powered solution for Anomaly Detection on Machine Data.
Like most great ideas, they appear simple and logical once they’re created. INRIX is no different. When the company was founded nearly a decade ago, drivers and departments of transportation relied on expensive sensors installed in a few roads to understand real-time traffic conditions. However, this approach was expensive to install and maintain, and only covered a few roads. INRIX took a different approach, revolutionizing how traffic information was created by analyzing data from the vehicles themselves. The logic was if you could analyze traffic information from the vehicles, you could understand traffic conditions everywhere. Crowd-sourcing and INRIX was born.INRIX is collaborating with 100's of world class companies to transform how people and commerce move across the world’s transportation networks. As Big Data and the Internet of Things changes everything from where people go and what they do to how they get from place to place, INRIX is at the forefront of connecting cars to smarter cities and understanding the science of traffic.Today, we operate the most robust driver network in the world that includes 275 million vehicles, smartphones, cameras, incidents and other sensors with the ability to cover nearly 5 million miles of road, ramp and interchange in over 40 countries. The beautiful simplicity of our approach is the more vehicles and devices that connect with us, broadens our data intelligence providing a cycle of increasing accuracy. And INRIX alone can provide it.However, INRIX does more than just take the guesswork out of traffic. We’re connecting cars for smarter cities every day. Over half of the world’s population is living in urban centers today, and this number is growing rapidly. We’re helping governments tap into Big Data and the Internet of Things to engineer systems for smart cities that go beyond traffic to address the individual, economic and environmental challenges of urbanization.In addition to making it easier for drivers to navigate their world, our applications and services are helping companies more intelligently locate and manage their businesses.
GEM Analytics
GEM Analytics specializes in helping corporations optimize operations efficiently. They provide a full stack business optimization platform to visualize insight from Big Data.GEM Analytics performs activity-based research on technology adoption, business optimization and solution ROI as well as work with solution providers, systems integrators, consulting firms and agencies to deliver thought leadership, market forensics, research and analytics to fulfill client potential.