物联网始于 Intel Inside。
英特尔在全球设计、制造和销售集成数字技术平台。该公司的平台用于各种计算应用,包括笔记本电脑、台式机、服务器、平板电脑、智能手机、无线和有线连接产品、可穿戴设备、交通系统和零售设备。它提供处理系统数据和控制系统中其他设备的微处理器;芯片组,在微处理器与输入、显示和存储设备之间发送数据,例如键盘、鼠标、显示器、硬盘驱动器或固态驱动器以及光盘驱动器;将其中央处理器与其他系统组件集成到单个芯片上的片上系统产品;和有线网络连接产品。特色子公司/业务部门: - Intel Inside - 英特尔数据中心管理器 (DCM) - Saffron Technology - Wind River
从监测我们家庭的能源效率到寻找更高效的方式来养活全球人口,利用这些相互关联的“事物”并将大量原始数据转化为可行的见解将对社会产生变革性的影响。然而,技术和业务挑战都在减缓物联网的采用。公司内的决策者正试图更好地掌握预期的投资回报率、成本和可扩展性,而 IT 经理则在为集成、互操作性、管理以及针对特定垂直行业量身定制的需求而苦苦挣扎。英特尔正在通过提供开放和可扩展的产品、培育繁荣的生态系统以及展示展示潜在价值和易于部署的试点和用例来应对这些挑战。英特尔提供具有内置安全性的全面的端到端硬件和软件产品组合。为了使物联网更易于部署和跨应用程序快速扩展,英特尔提供了英特尔物联网平台,这是一个设计蓝图,详细说明了如何安全地连接和管理从小型传感器到构成云的大型服务器群的一系列“事物”,同时在此过程中使用各种分析工具和技术。
苹果、戴尔、惠普、NTT Data、Mandic Cloud Solutions、盛大游戏G Cloud、百度、中华电信、KT Corporation、宝马
Intel 是平台即服务 (paas), 分析与建模, 网络与连接, 处理器与边缘智能, 无人机, 传感器, 基础设施即服务 (iaas), 功能应用, 应用基础设施与中间件, 执行器, 和 网络安全和隐私等工业物联网科技方面的供应商。同时致力于航天, 汽车, 建筑与基础设施, 消费品, 电网, 电子产品, 金融与保险, 医疗保健和医院, 石油和天然气, 铁路与地铁, 可再生能源, 安全与公共安全, 特种车辆, 电信, 运输, 和 公用事业等行业。
Intel的技术栈描绘了Intel在平台即服务 (paas), 分析与建模, 网络与连接, 处理器与边缘智能, 无人机, 传感器, 基础设施即服务 (iaas), 功能应用, 应用基础设施与中间件, 执行器, 和 网络安全和隐私等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
Wearables for Connected Workers
Together, Honeywell and Intel have developed a IoT proof of concept (PoC) for the Connected Worker. The Connected Worker can take many forms - factory laborer, mine worker, first responder, firefighters and more. For each environment and worker role, a different selection of sensors may be appropriate to provide the most meaningful IoT-fueled dataset to represent that individual worker asset. As with most IoT solutions, it is critical to avoid being overwhelmed by a steady stream of meaningless data. Rather, it is essential to send select actionable intelligence to the cloud for visualization and customized alert notifications. The downside is that data from individual wearable devices - if viewed independently - can potentially cause false alarms and contribute to inefficiencies in a manpower as a result. Fusing sensor technology with big data processing (hub/gateway), analytics - all in the cloud - is the key to improving local intelligence as well as remote visualization of actionable intelligence.
Case Study
Taking Oil and Gas Exploration to the Next Level
DownUnder GeoSolutions (DUG) wanted to increase computing performance by 5 to 10 times to improve seismic processing. The solution must build on current architecture software investments without sacrificing existing software and scale computing without scaling IT infrastructure costs.
Case Study
Improving Vending Machine Profitability with the Internet of Things (IoT)
The vending industry is undergoing a sea change, taking advantage of new technologies to go beyond just delivering snacks to creating a new retail location. Intelligent vending machines can be found in many public locations as well as company facilities, selling different types of goods and services, including even computer accessories, gold bars, tickets, and office supplies. With increasing sophistication, they may also provide time- and location-based data pertaining to sales, inventory, and customer preferences. But at the end of the day, vending machine operators know greater profitability is driven by higher sales and lower operating costs.
Founded in 1983, Advantech is a leader in providing trusted innovative embedded and automation products and solutions. Advantech offers comprehensive system integration, hardware, software, customer-centric design services, and global logistics support; all backed by industry-leading front and back office e-business solutions.
SAP is the leading provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software used to integrate back-office functions such as distribution, accounting, human resources, and manufacturing. The backbone of SAP's products has been its On-Premise offerings, spearheaded by its Business Suite, which includes ERP and customer relationship management (CRM) software, among others. Year founded: 1972 Revenue: $17.6 billion (2014) NYSE: SAP
Honeywell invents and manufactures technologies to address some of the world’s toughest challenges initiated by revolutionary macrotrends in science, technology and society. They improves business performance for customers with automation and control solutions, equipment and services that enhance safety, reliability and efficiency. Year founded: 1906 Revenue: $40.3 billion (2014) NYSE: HON
General Electric
GE is a diversified specialty equipment, infrastructure and financial services company. Their products and services range from aircraft engines, power generation, oil and gas production equipment, and household appliances to medical imaging, business and consumer financing and industrial products. GE believes new technologies will merges big iron with big data to create brilliant machines. This convergence of machine and intelligent data is known as the Industrial Internet, and it's changing the way we work. Year founded: 1892 Revenue: $148.5 billion (2014) NYSE: GE Featured Subsidiaries/ Business Units: - GE Digital - GE Predix - GE Intelligent Platform - Wurldtech
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
Hewlett Packard Enterprise or HPE (formerly HP) makes IT environments more efficient, productive and secure, enabling fast, flexible responses to a rapidly changing competitive landscape. They enable organizations to act quickly on ideas by delivering infrastructure that can be easily composed and recomposed to meet shifting demands, so they can lead in today’s marketplace of disruptive innovation. Year founded: 2015 (1939) Revenue: $53.0 billion (2014) NYSE: HPE