与 Masternaut 一起坐在驾驶座上
Masternaut 是英国最大的远程信息处理解决方案提供商。该公司成立于 1996 年,目前拥有 600 多名远程信息处理专家,拥有 10,000 多名客户。 Masternaut 为各种规模的企业提供基于 SaaS 的移动资源管理 (MRM) 应用程序套件,帮助他们通过降低车辆油耗、有效跟踪资产、提高劳动力生产力、减少车辆磨损来提高运营效率,改善对驾驶员行为的管理,并减少二氧化碳排放。这些解决方案为组织各个部门的客户带来切实的节省和服务改进;从财务到人力资源,从运营到客户服务。 Masternaut 拥有欧洲最大的远程信息处理研发团队,不断创新以提供最可靠和可扩展的平台。该公司拥有超过 300,000 项资产、车辆和人员与其 SaaS 解决方案相关联。每小时有超过 15,000 名用户与系统交互,每天处理超过 5,000 万次数据交易并配置成 20,000 份报告。 Masternaut 的客户遍布 32 个国家/地区,在欧洲、北美、南美和亚洲设有多个办事处和合作伙伴。 Masternaut 的套件模块包括驾驶员绩效管理、车队和消费者保险、传统车辆跟踪以及运输和物流行业的专业服务,包括远程数字行驶记录仪下载和温度监测。 Masternaut 还为公共部门提供高度可配置的解决方案,用于高速公路维护和基础设施支持。
Masternaut的技术栈描绘了Masternaut在分析与建模, 和 功能应用等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
Elevator Engineering Services Enhances Fleet Management with Masternaut Connect
Elevator Engineering Services (EES UK), a leading engineering and manufacturing firm specializing in supporting the lift and elevator industry across the UK, faced a significant challenge in managing its mobile workforce. With a team spread across the Midlands, London, and South of England, fleet managers and the HR team rarely interacted with the drivers in person. This lack of face-to-face interaction made it difficult to monitor the welfare of the drivers and ensure the accuracy of payroll, hours, and timesheets. Additionally, EES UK wanted to improve driver behavior to create a safer working environment for its staff and other road users. The company needed a comprehensive solution that could provide accurate timesheets, monitor driver behavior, and ensure the welfare of its mobile workforce.
Case Study
Office Essentials Increase Delivery Efficiency
Timed deliveries are a core part of Office Essentials’ service offering, and its customers rely on the business to supply products in a timely and efficient manner.Office Essentials made the decision to bring on a telematics provider in order to gain more control over its vehicles, in particular delivery vehicles, to ensure deliveries were running as efficiently as possible and time was not being wasted on unnecessary trips.The company’s sales reps had previously been using call sheets to record daily visits, often missing information, so there was also a requirement for a more effective way to collate and manage these reports.
Saviant is the preferred Data Analytics & Intelligent Solutions partner for leading Asset-intensive and Field-force driven Enterprises across industries like Energy, Utilities, Logistics & Construction. We are the trusted Technology Advisors and Implementation Partners for their strategic initiatives around Data Analytics, IoT, Cloud & Mobility. Our teams enable intelligent actions & accelerated business outcomes for our customers across the globe, by defining their Technology Roadmap & Implementation Strategies. Saviant is a Microsoft Gold Partner for Cloud Platform, Data Analytics, Application Development & Xamarin Premier Consulting Partner.
Everysens is a supply chain optimization platform intended for asset-intensive industries. Everysens organizes hassle-free logistics for leading industrial companies and freight forwarders. Its real-time Tracking and optimization platform provides supply chain directors and operational staff complete visibility over their flows and relevant business analytics. This enables them to cut costs, increase revenues and achieve operational excellence. Founded in 2015, Everysens harnesses the power of IoT, Big Data and AI to boost assets' fleets performance throughout more than 11 countries, for market-leading companies such as ID Logistics, Danone, T3M or Arcelor Mittal.
CTrack (Inseego)
Ctrack, part of Inseego Corp. (Nasdaq: INSG), is a leading global software-as-a-service (SaaS) and big data company for vehicle Tracking, fleet management and insurance Telematics solutions. Our operations span six continents in over 55 countries, with more than 1 000 000 systems sold worldwide. With over 30 years’ experience, we have been keeping mobile assets of consumers, small and mid-sized businesses and large enterprises Always Visible – resulting in vehicle security, safer driving and more efficient fleet operations. We are committed to our vision of being an innovative global solutions provider, simply connecting people with information.