- 设备与机械
- 离散制造
- 维护
2017 年机器状态监测市场价值 22.1 亿美元,预计到 2024 年将达到 35 亿美元,预测期内的复合年增长率为 6.7%。
到 2023 年,机器状态监测设备市场将突破 32 亿美元。
资料来源: P&S Intelligence
- 提高机器可用性和可靠性
- 提高运营效率
- 改进风险管理(减少停机时间)
- 降低维护成本(更好的规划)
- 减少备件库存
- 提高安全性
- 提高了对机器状况的了解(可能的机器安全短期过载)
- 延长机器的使用寿命
- 改善客户关系(减少计划/计划外停机时间)
- 消除长期故障(根本原因分析和重新设计)
- 减少因维护或重新组装不当导致的大修后故障
- 监控设备成本(通常很大)
- 运营成本(运行程序)
- 需要熟练的人员
- 需要强有力的管理承诺
- 通常需要大量的运行时间来收集机器历史和趋势
- 与增加的利润相比,降低的成本通常更难作为收益出售给管理层。
Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.
Case Study
Versiondog Comes for Coffee
“Well before it went live, we had worked out a clear plan for exactly how we were going to use the new versiondog versioning and data management software from AUVESY,” says Michael Mrugalla, who works in process automation at the Mainz plant. “We also had to think about what backups really meant for us. With all our field devices, control programs, drive systems, programming languages, file formats and software applications, we needed to know precisely what we have to back up in case a breakdown (e.g. a power outage) stops production. Because the whole point of making a backup is to be able to recover data quickly and easily when something goes wrong and continue working as if nothing had happened. But that means more than simply restarting production, it also means we need to be able to pick up where we left off with our ongoing process maintenance and optimisation.” It was particularly important to Nestlé that their backup strategy be built around a sin-gle continually active and universally appli-cable solution. And they wanted it to maintain a centralised backup of all the data necessary for both recovery and further development for all devices and all related projects (i.e. every piece of hardware and software). And the programs actually running on controllers need to correspond precisely with the data on the server. If not, the reason must be easily identifiable and the valid version always available to be reloaded onto the device.
Case Study
Refinery Wirelessly Monitors Junction Box Pressure
The refining company needed to continuously monitor the pressure in Z-Purge junction boxes around the refinery. These junction boxes were maintained at a low positive pressure to prevent process gasses from entering the junction boxes. These junction boxes are widely distributed throughout the plant. Previously these junction boxes were manually monitored by operators on periodic rounds in the refinery.