Public Sector (CLC)
- Analytics & Modeling - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
CLC heavily relied on manual paper-based systems to manage their mission-critical processes. As a result these processes were time consuming, invisible and unproductive driving the organisation to seek company specific process solutions. As Roger Barnes, Manager of CLC's mining activities notes, “The risks associated with this included the lack of integration with the data sets and tripping over statutory deadlines, so things that were supposed to happen at a certain time didn't always happen because we'd lose track of where they were at.” The vehicle booking process in particular required visibility as the organisation maintains more than 80 vehicles, each of which travels great distances per year. Understanding what kind of return the vehicles provided and at the same time managing occupational health and safety requirements were constant challenges for CLC.
XMPro’s process solution spans across the organisation and provides CLC with a repository for information. The solution draws data from multiple sources to provide management and staff with complete visibility and reports into all agreements and processes including time sheet management, casual staff requisitions, suppliers and sundry payments (finance), and fleet management. As a result, staff can now concentrate on the single, more efficient BPM application, rather than having to manage multiple data sets. In addition, the software tracks every process for each agreement, prompting staff whenever events or activities need to happen. Detailed data for the resources being booked is easily visible with approvals, alerts, special needs, comments and various analytical reports available. With the volume of contractors, job types, hours worked and remuneration differences, these XMPro solutions have become fundamental in the cost allocation, activity management and integration of data into their financial system. The fleet management and vehicle bookings process proved a great success. Nathan Morsillo, Finance Manager, says “Vehicle Bookings [XMPro] is a 'killer app' ...users can't get enough of it... very intuitive and big productivity benefits for all.” Morsillo agrees that the subsequent revamp of the fleet management and vehicle bookings system has created audit trails, more certainty with regards to occupational health and safety, accurate booking data, enhanced analytics regarding fleet costing and performance, and provided information that assists with future fleet purchasing decisions. At the click of a button management can see where a person is meant to be or where a vehicle is at that moment in time. Morsillo concludes, “Within the time that the vehicle booking system has been up and going I know that we've made the payback that we have invested in the project, both in terms of time and dollars”.