Tetro Factory's Efficiency Improvements
- Analytics & Modeling - Predictive Analytics
- Analytics & Modeling - Real Time Analytics
- Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Exchange & Integration
- Application Infrastructure & Middleware - Data Visualization
- Functional Applications - Enterprise Asset Management Systems (EAM)
- Functional Applications - Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
- Functional Applications - Remote Monitoring & Control Systems
- Factory Operations Visibility & Intelligence
Tetro factory had the following challenges: - Controlling the production flow, tracing mistakes and optimizing performance. - Running a fully integrated knowledge-based business with systems that work seamlessly together. - Centralizing manufacturing production data into one system that can be viewed and analyzed from a single-point-of-entry. - Pinpointing in real-time which stations are compromising production and what can be done to restore and improve efficiency. -Implementing preventative maintenance and ensuring minimum downtime. - Monitoring energy consumption and optimizing material consumption per product.
Tetro factory implemented the LeaderMES system to tackle the aforementioned challenges. The LeaderMES system with its plug-and-play modules were deployed across the production floor became instrumental to Tetro's operational success and long term vision of a fully visible, connected and knowledge-based factory. Being open and flexible, LeaderMES was configured to integrate with Tetro's internal business intelligence and validation systems to meet its specific traceability and analysis requirements. LeaderMES gave Tetro full visibility of their floor operations and material management enabled the team to monitor and track the entire plant's day-to-day operations and resource usage in real time. It also enabled predictive maintenance that reduced unplanned downtime.