Accelerate: Media Broadcast
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云存储服务
- 离散制造
- 实时定位系统 (RTLS)
- 预测性维护
- 系统集成
Nice Shoes 是一家提供全方位服务、以艺术家为主导的设计、动画、视觉效果和调色工作室,由于分辨率、文件大小和性能要求的激增,该公司面临着挑战。该公司面临着紧迫的期限、复杂的工作流程和多个利益相关者。他们之前的存储系统效率低下,导致创作时间浪费、性能不可预测,以及管理多个系统的高成本和复杂性。该公司还面临着向多个设备提供多种格式内容的日益增长的需求,而传统的存储系统无法有效处理这些需求。
Nice Shoes 是一家位于纽约市的全方位服务、以艺术家为主导的设计、动画、视觉效果和调色工作室。该公司专注于高端广告、网络内容、电影、电视和音乐视频。Nice Shoes 在所有媒体平台上开展工作,从概念到完成。该公司的全球客户包括 TD Ameritrade、BlackBerry、Calvin Klein Jeans、MTV 音乐录影带大奖和福特。该公司在 24/7 高度协作的环境中运营,复杂项目需要 24 小时的周转时间。
Nice Shoes 实施了 DDN 高性能文件存储系统,使其创意人员能够同时访问具有帧精确服务质量的大数据文件。DDN 解决方案是一种集成的集群文件系统解决方案,包括广泛的数据管理功能。这使 Nice Shoes 等媒体和娱乐组织能够创建集成的数字工作流程,并紧密结合内容创建、编辑、处理和交付。DDN 解决方案支持广泛的服务器平台和操作系统,使组织能够消除存储孤岛并将数据集中到单个成本优化的 SAN 存储系统中。DDN 解决方案加速了全球数百家电影和后期制作机构的高度并发工作流程。
Case Study
Remote Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance App for a Solar Energy System
The maintenance & tracking of various modules was an overhead for the customer due to the huge labor costs involved. Being an advanced solar solutions provider, they wanted to ensure early detection of issues and provide the best-in-class customer experience. Hence they wanted to automate the whole process.
Case Study
Predictive Maintenance for Industrial Chillers
For global leaders in the industrial chiller manufacturing, reliability of the entire production process is of the utmost importance. Chillers are refrigeration systems that produce ice water to provide cooling for a process or industrial application. One of those leaders sought a way to respond to asset performance issues, even before they occur. The intelligence to guarantee maximum reliability of cooling devices is embedded (pre-alarming). A pre-alarming phase means that the cooling device still works, but symptoms may appear, telling manufacturers that a failure is likely to occur in the near future. Chillers who are not internet connected at that moment, provide little insight in this pre-alarming phase.
Case Study
Aircraft Predictive Maintenance and Workflow Optimization
First, aircraft manufacturer have trouble monitoring the health of aircraft systems with health prognostics and deliver predictive maintenance insights. Second, aircraft manufacturer wants a solution that can provide an in-context advisory and align job assignments to match technician experience and expertise.
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Leading Tools Manufacturer Transforms Operations with IoT
Stanley Black & Decker required transparency of real-time overall equipment effectiveness and line productivity to reduce production line change over time.The goal was to to improve production to schedule, reduce actual labor costs and understanding the effects of shift changes and resource shifts from line to line.
Case Study
Asset Management and Predictive Maintenance
The customer prides itself on excellent engineering and customer centric philosophy, allowing its customer’s minds to be at ease and not worry about machine failure. They can easily deliver the excellent maintenance services to their customers, but there are some processes that can be automated to deliver less downtime for the customer and more efficient maintenance schedules.