Microsoft Azure (Microsoft) > 实例探究 > Alışan Grup 借助 Microsoft Azure 进行数字化转型
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Alışan Grup's Digital Transformation with Microsoft Azure

  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据库管理和存储
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
  • 化学品
  • 运输
  • 物流运输
  • 维护
  • 自主运输系统
  • 库存管理
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
  • 测试与认证
Alışan Grup 是一家土耳其 500 强企业集团,在数字化进程中面临着多项挑战。该集团的旗舰公司 Alışan Lojistik A.Ş. 是土耳其物流业务的做市商,该公司面临着高昂的数据库更新、维护和管理成本问题。该公司也没有足够的能力来确保业务连续性的有效管理。公司现有服务难以理解和运行,在访问、文档管理、安全、集成和开发方面都存在挑战。该公司还面临着内部托管的 SharePoint 问题,这给业务连续性以及数据库场景和应用程序层创建的实际障碍带来了挑战。
Alışan Grup 是土耳其 500 强企业集团,连续 7 年位列《财富》排行榜。该集团拥有 1500 名员工,业务涉及从建筑到保险等多个行业。该集团的旗舰公司 Alışan Lojistik A.Ş. 是土耳其物流业务的做市商。 Alışan Lojistik A.Ş.是业内知名的知名品牌,拥有强大的客户群,其中一些客户已经获得了 35 年不间断的服务。该公司提供广泛的服务,包括仓储服务、液体能源运输和综合物流服务。它还成为土耳其某些国际认证的唯一持有者。
Alışan Grup 决定在 Microsoft 顾问的支持下,过渡到完全托管、智能且可扩展的 Azure PostgreSQL 数据库。这个新的开放代码数据库是所有操作的基础。该公司还转向基于云的应用程序服务,使用Azure Cloud来解决以前的挑战。 Azure 的安全功能使企业能够减轻和最小化本地保护中可能出现的风险。该公司还选择 Azure DevOps 进行软件和开发流程,通过 Azure Kubernetes 服务有效利用容器配置。 Alışan Grup 还将其文档管理迁移到 Microsoft 365 的 SharePoint Online,确保高效的 Intranet 来存储文档。这种新配置提供了人力资源优化,并通过为所有用户提供最新、远程且方便的访问来增强意识。
  • The transition to Azure has brought about significant operational improvements for Alışan Grup. The new structure allows for testing and manufacturing without having to run target scenarios. The company also enjoys assured business continuity by hosting its live systems in Western Europe and disaster recovery scenarios in Northern Europe. The use of Azure DevOps and Azure Kubernetes Service has made it much more agile to configure micro service applications and to scale, monitor, and manage the Kubernetes environment. The move to SharePoint Online has secured an efficient intranet to store documents, enhancing awareness and offering human resources optimization. The company now enjoys the convenience of accessing these applications from all mobile devices. The transition has also helped Alışan Grup secure global confidence across its operations, enhancing productivity and ensuring compliance of business processes to internationally prescribed norms.
  • Alışan Grup now enjoys all benefits of Azure cloud, eliminating the need for local servers or developing applications locally.
  • 25+ applications are now on the intranet, meaning that critical processes can be accessed and managed anywhere, anytime.
  • Alışan Grup's share of international customers corresponds to 30% in warehousing and 10% in transport, thanks to Microsoft's ability to secure global confidence across its operations.




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