Rapid7 > 实例探究 > Amedisys 通过 Rapid7 InsightIDR 增强安全性和效率
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Amedisys Enhances Security and Efficiency with Rapid7 InsightIDR

  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 事件驱动型应用
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 入侵检测
  • 建筑物
  • 医疗保健和医院
  • 篡改检测
  • 时间敏感网络
Amedisys 是一家领先的家庭医疗保健提供商,在保护患者和员工数据而又不影响系统可用性方面面临着独特的挑战。他们的大部分用户群由在家中为患者提供护理的临床医生组成。为这些医疗专业人员提供无缝且安全的体验至关重要,因为任何中断都可能影响为患者提供的护理。面临的挑战是确保敏感数据的安全,同时保持运营效率。
Amedisys 是一家一流的家庭医疗保健提供商,其愿景是成为全国患者居家养老的领先解决方案。他们的服务范围从家庭健康到临终关怀再到个人护理。 Amedisys 团队成员每年为超过 415,000 名患者提供优质、临床独特的护理。该公司规模庞大,其用户群主要由临床医生组成,他们是在家中为患者提供护理的医疗专业人员。
Amedisys 向 Rapid7 寻求安全信息和事件管理 (SIEM) 平台,特别是托管检测和响应 (MDR) 和 InsightIDR 解决方案。立即的投资回报是他们做出决定的关键因素。在部署代理并将其与 InsightVM 配对后,Amedisys 能够检测到其环境中以前未被注意到的活动。事件源的设置和 InsightIDR 的部署相对容易,一周之内,他们流入的数据比他们想象的要多。 IDR 中的用户行为分析 (UBA) 功能特别有用,使他们能够快速识别用户生成的警报,例如短时间内来自不同国家的多次登录或暴力尝试。 UBA 功能还通过对用户进行基线分析来帮助识别异常值。 IDR 界面的简单性及其与杀伤链的映射使优先级划分和可视化变得更加容易。与数据摄取率不同,IDR 的基于资产的定价模型是另一个有吸引力的功能,它允许 Amedisys 输入所需的尽可能多的数据来提取价值。
  • The deployment of Rapid7's solutions, particularly InsightIDR, significantly improved Amedisys' security operations. The User Behavior Analytics function within IDR provided valuable insights into user activities, enabling the security team to quickly identify and respond to potential threats. The simplicity of the IDR interface and its mapping to the kill chain made prioritization and visualization of threats easier, enhancing the efficiency of the security team. The asset-based pricing model of IDR allowed Amedisys to input as much data as needed, extracting maximum value from the solution. The traditional SIEM model, which required constant maintenance, was replaced with a more efficient and effective system, allowing the security team to focus on taking action rather than maintaining the system.
  • Immediate return on investment was observed with the deployment of Rapid7's solutions.
  • Within a week of deploying InsightIDR, Amedisys had more event sources and data flowing in than ever before.
  • Amedisys was able to ingest more data in three days than they did in three to four months with their traditional SIEM model.




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