Armedia Enhances Case Management Efficiency with Data-Driven Insight
- 分析与建模 - 大数据分析
- 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
- 农业
- 运输
- 物流运输
- 质量保证
- 库存管理
- 租赁金融自动化
- 数据科学服务
- 系统集成
Armedia 是一家资深的系统集成商,专门从事数字化转型、IT 现代化和企业内容管理 (ECM) 解决方案,正在寻求优化客户复杂的数字化转型计划和案例管理工作流程。该公司为公共和私营部门组织提供服务,包括美国政府机构、教育、运输和物流、制造、零售、金融、医疗保健和技术部门,需要根据需求提供实时、可操作的见解。 Armedia 经常推荐自己的案例管理解决方案 ArkCase,它将 ECM、业务流程管理 (BPM) 和客户关系管理 (CRM) 功能集成到单一平台中。然而,为了将其解决方案提升到一个新的水平,Armedia 希望将报告和分析功能嵌入到 ArkCase 平台中。
Armedia 是一家屡获殊荣的资深系统集成商,专门从事数字化转型、IT 现代化和企业内容管理 (ECM) 解决方案。该公司通过了 CMMI 3 级和 ISO 9001 认证,提供创新的业务流程、文档、案例和记录管理解决方案,以及内容策略和法规遵从性服务。 Armedia 总部位于弗吉尼亚州维也纳,为公共和私营部门组织提供服务,是值得信赖的美国联邦政府供应商。其大约70%的收入来自美国政府机构,包括美国农业部(USDA)、疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)和联邦调查局(FBI)。 Armedia 还为教育、运输和物流、制造、零售、金融、医疗保健和技术领域提供服务。
Armedia 决定将 Pentaho 解决方案集成到其案例管理解决方案 ArkCase 中。这种集成使业务用户能够可视化和分析案例管理数据并在几秒钟内生成报告。在评估了多家供应商的产品后,Armedia 确定 Hitachi Vantara 的 Pentaho(Lumada 产品组合)是理想的解决方案。 Armedia 与 Hitachi Vantara 密切合作,将 Pentaho Business Analytics 嵌入到 ArkCase 解决方案中,以支持高级数据分析和报告。经过成功的试用期和客户的积极反馈,Armedia 与 Hitachi Vantara 建立了原始设备制造商 (OEM) 合作伙伴关系,将 Pentaho Business Analytics 作为 ArkCase 平台的组成部分进行转售。该公司最近还在 ArkCase 软件堆栈中添加了 Pentaho Data Integration,该软件堆栈充当提取、转换和加载 (ETL) 任务的后端平台。
Case Study
Intelligent Farming with ThingWorx Analytics
Z Farms was facing three challenges: costly irrigation systems with water as a limited resource, narrow optimal ranges of soil moisture for growth with difficult maintenance and farm operators could not simply turn on irrigation systems like a faucet.
Case Study
Airport SCADA Systems Improve Service Levels
Modern airports are one of the busiest environments on Earth and rely on process automation equipment to ensure service operators achieve their KPIs. Increasingly airport SCADA systems are being used to control all aspects of the operation and associated facilities. This is because unplanned system downtime can cost dearly, both in terms of reduced revenues and the associated loss of customer satisfaction due to inevitable travel inconvenience and disruption.
Case Study
IoT-based Fleet Intelligence Innovation
Speed to market is precious for DRVR, a rapidly growing start-up company. With a business model dependent on reliable mobile data, managers were spending their lives trying to negotiate data roaming deals with mobile network operators in different countries. And, even then, service quality was a constant concern.
Case Study
Digitize Railway with Deutsche Bahn
To reduce maintenance costs and delay-causing failures for Deutsche Bahn. They need manual measurements by a position measurement system based on custom-made MEMS sensor clusters, which allow autonomous and continuous monitoring with wireless data transmission and long battery. They were looking for data pre-processing solution in the sensor and machine learning algorithms in the cloud so as to detect critical wear.