Zapier > 实例探究 > 自动化如何为房地产经纪人节省时间
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Automating Real Estate Processes: A Case Study on Keller Williams Realty

  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 时间敏感网络
房地产经纪人 Matt Castillo 面临着每天多次手动检查 Facebook 潜在客户广告并将潜在客户信息手动输入其他系统的挑战。这非常耗时,并且削弱了他专注于帮助客户的能力。
马特·卡斯蒂略 (Matt Castillo) 是一名住宅房地产经纪人,在全球最大的房地产经纪公司之一凯勒·威廉姆斯房地产公司 (Keller Williams Realty) 工作。他是一位多任务处理者,经常在外奔波,与潜在买家合作,为卖家制定营销计划,并与其他代理商合作。
Matt 求助于应用程序自动化工具 Zapier,以自动化将潜在客户从 Facebook Lead Ads 引导到其他应用程序(例如 LionDesk CRM 和 RealScout)的过程。这消除了手动检查和数据输入的需要,使马特能够专注于他的客户。
  • The automation of Matt's workflows and processes through Zapier has significantly improved his operational efficiency. He no longer needs to manually check Facebook Lead Ads multiple times a day or input information from each lead into other systems. This has freed up his time to focus on the core aspects of his role, such as walking through homes with potential buyers and creating marketing plans for sellers. Furthermore, the automation has enabled him to respond more quickly to leads, thereby improving his service to potential homebuyers. Overall, the automation has allowed Matt to focus on what inspired him to become a realtor in the first place: helping his clients find their new homes.

  • Saved approximately four hours per week by automating lead management and MLS listing sharing processes.

  • Reduced the time spent checking leads and inputting information into other systems.

  • Improved response time to potential homebuyers coming through Facebook Lead Ads.




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