Customized Solutions to Reduce Chassis Mass by 25% for Tallent Automotive
- 汽车
- 生命科学
- 产品研发
- 制造过程模拟
- 结构健康监测
- 系统集成
Tallent Automotive Ltd 是创新底盘结构和悬架系统的领先设计者、开发商和制造商,面临着重大挑战。该公司向宝马、福特、通用、本田、捷豹、路虎、日产、保时捷、雷诺、萨博和大众等主要汽车制造商供货。随着对轻质、节能车辆的需求不断增长,Tallent Automotive 需要一种更加自动化的方法来生产最小质量的钣金底盘部件。新方法必须考虑性能目标和制造限制。传统的 CAD 设计流程以及 CAE 验证的效率不足以满足这些需求。
Tallent Automotive Ltd 是世界一流的创新底盘结构和悬架系统设计者、开发商和制造商。该公司因其高品质产品而享誉全球,并为汽车行业的一些知名品牌供货,包括宝马、福特、通用汽车、本田、捷豹、路虎、日产、保时捷、雷诺、萨博和大众。随着汽车行业的发展,Tallent Automotive 不断寻求创新和改进其产品的方法,以满足对轻质、节能车辆日益增长的需求。
为了克服这一挑战,Tallent Automotive 与 Altair ProductDesign 的流程自动化团队合作开发了“eDICT”(底盘技术的进化设计)系统。该系统融合了定制设计工具和针对 HyperWorks 仿真套件中优化技术的定制界面。 eDICT 系统指导 Tallent Automotive 工程师完成最佳实践开发的几个阶段,跟踪设计效率并突出显示为解决方案增加质量的因素。该过程首先生成并分析最佳材料布局,称为“骨架”。然后,eDICT 引导用户将这种理想化的结构布局解释为可制造的钣金解决方案。自动化流程不断跟踪解决方案的效率并支持重新优化,以确保结构性能保持在预定义的目标范围内。
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.