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Eastridge Workforce Solutions: Ensuring Uninterrupted Workforce Management Services

 Eastridge Workforce Solutions: Ensuring Uninterrupted Workforce Management Services - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 备份与恢复
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云计算
  • 人力资源
  • 维护
  • 人员跟踪与监控
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 系统集成

Eastridge Workforce Solutions 为北美的 1,300 多家客户提供劳动力管理服务和技术。它的时间和考勤系统一年 365 天、每天 24 小时处理数千人的交易。作为客户的员工通过系统签入和签出,它会验证谁被允许在那里以及谁应该在那里。它还记录员工生成准确工资单的时间。

用 Eastridge 的 CIO Brad Taylor 的话来说,“如果系统在几分钟内不可用,那将是灾难性的。”显然,Eastridge 需要一个高可用性/灾难恢复 (HA/DR) 解决方案,以保证其考勤系统以及与之相关的数据始终可用,无论发生什么情况。公司不能因为灾难或所有系统必须不时进行的正常定期维护而暂停。

然而,HA/DR 并不是 Eastridge 的核心竞争力或竞争优势。强大的、创新的劳动力解决方案是。因此,公司需要一种方法来利用最重要的 HA/DR 技能和经验,而不会分散其 IT 团队在推进公司业务目标的工作上的注意力。


Eastridge 利用最有经验的 Assure MIMIX HA 专家,通过使用 Precisely Managed Services 来监控、管理和维护 Eastridge 的 HA/DR 解决方案,不会给公司的 IT 员工带来任何负担。

Managed Services 全天候监控 Assure MIMIX 复制过程,以确保它们始终正确且高效地运行。如果出现问题,Precisely 专家通常可以远程快速解决。

使用 Assure MIMIX HA 和 Precisely Managed Services 的主要优势在于,这种组合可以彻底防止停机——包括在计划维护期间。例如,当需要在 Eastridge 的服务器上升级 IBM i 时,Managed Services 会承担所有工作。


  • The implementation of Assure MIMIX HA and Precisely Managed Services has allowed Eastridge to focus on its core business without worrying about the availability of its time and attendance system. The solution ensures near-zero downtime and protects against all data loss, providing peace of mind to the company. It also proactively resolves issues before they become problems, preventing potential disruptions. The successful implementation of upgrades without any application downtime is another significant benefit. The solution also provides an additional set of eyes on the system to ensure it is running efficiently and suggests corrective actions if any performance degradation is detected. This has reduced Eastridge's cost of managing the system compared to doing it themselves.
  • Ensures near-zero downtime, allowing the system to be available 24/7, 365 days a year
  • Protects against all data loss, ensuring the accuracy of payroll and attendance records
  • Proactively resolves issues before they become problems, reducing the potential for system downtime




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