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Enhancing Efficiency: GSK’s Field Reps Save 30 Minutes a Day With Veeva CRM MyInsights

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  • 楼宇自动化与控制
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GSK 的现场团队在日常运营中严重依赖 Veeva CRM。然而,他们在呼叫前规划、隶属关系管理和直接面向从业者 (DTP) 抽样流程方面面临挑战。通话前的计划过程非常耗时,因为销售代表必须筛选大量不必要的信息来为通话做好准备。创建或打破医疗保健专业人员 (HCP) 和医疗保健组织 (HCO) 之间的从属关系的过程也很麻烦,涉及多个步骤。此外,随着向完全 DTP 采样流程的过渡,销售代表很难跟踪虚拟样品的库存。他们只有在 HCP 面前才能看到样本限制,效率很低。
GSK 是一家全球医疗保健公司,使用 Veeva CRM 作为其现场团队的主要工具。现场团队负责各种任务,包括呼叫前规划、管理医疗保健专业人员和组织之间的关系以及直接面向从业者的采样过程。由于流程耗时且缺乏及时的必要信息,团队在有效管理这些任务方面面临着挑战。 Veeva CRM MyInsights 的实施旨在解决这些挑战并提高现场团队的效率。
GSK 三年前实施了 Veeva CRM MyInsights 来应对这些挑战。他们首先构建了一个通话前规划页面,该页面提供通话所需的所有信息,消除任何额外的噪音。这个单一、有凝聚力的视图汇集了 Veeva CRM 中多个不同位置的数据,使现场团队可以轻松访问这些数据。为了简化管理隶属关系的过程,GSK 直接在 MyInsights 屏幕中构建了一项功能。这使得销售代表只需单击同一页面上的按钮即可创建或中断关系。对于 DTP 采样过程,GSK 使用 MyInsights Studio 向每个代表准确显示他们还剩下多少样品。他们还跟踪代表的使用情况,以确保页面可访问和交互,并适应现场团队的需求。
  • The implementation of Veeva CRM MyInsights brought significant operational improvements for GSK’s field teams. The pre-call planning process became more efficient, saving valuable time for the reps. The process of managing affiliations was simplified, enabling reps to take swift actions. The transition to a fully DTP sampling process was also made smoother with the ability to easily track the inventory of virtual samples. Moreover, by tracking rep usage, GSK was able to ensure that the MyInsights pages were providing value to the field teams and adapt to their needs. This led to a more efficient and effective field team, better prepared for each meeting and capable of swift decision-making.
  • Reps saved an average of 30 minutes per day in their pre-call planning with the MyInsights page.
  • Reps were able to manage affiliations faster and easier with the new MyInsights screen.
  • Reps could easily track their inventory of virtual samples with MyInsights Studio.




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