Samsara > 实例探究 > 提高技术人员的安全和操作效率:Satellites Unlimited 案例研究
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Enhancing Technician Safety and Operational Efficiency: A Case Study on Satellites Unlimited

  • 网络与连接 - 全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS)
  • 传感器 - 全球定位系统
  • 建筑物
  • 电信
  • 驾驶员表现监测
  • 现场人员安全管理
Satellites Unlimited (SUI) 是一家大型国家卫星公司的领先区域服务提供商,在构建尖端安全计划方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的安全计划主要基于技术人员和管理人员的轶事证据,这不允许他们可靠地识别安全事故的根本原因。当 SUI 发生两起灾难性车辆事故并导致工人索赔数百万美元时,这成为一个紧迫的问题。该公司意识到尾随和分心驾驶等问题,但缺乏证明这一点的方法。因此,SUI 寻求一种解决方案,能够提供公正的事实来源,了解技术人员外出时驾驶室内发生的情况。
Satellites Unlimited (SUI) 成立于 1994 年,总部位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰,是一家大型国家卫星公司的区域服务提供商和零售商。如今,他们已成为全国领先的卫星合作伙伴区域服务提供商。 SUI 在 5 个州的 17 个分支机构运营着一支由 360 辆汽车组成的车队。该公司是员工持股的公司,在其决策过程和整体运营中发挥着重要作用。 SUI 对安全和效率的承诺体现在其积极主动地解决安全问题以及战略性地利用技术来提高运营效率。
SUI 决定实施行车记录仪解决方案 Samsara,以提高技术人员的安全。为了确保成功实施,SUI 的领导团队征求了技术人员的反馈意见,解决了驾驶员的担忧,并为整个过程带来了高度的透明度。他们强调了行车记录仪的好处,例如增强技术人员安全到达目的地的能力并支持公司的安全目标。作为一家员工持股的公司,一旦技术人员了解 Samsara 可以为保护公司带来的价值,SUI 的决定就能够获得广泛的支持。 SUI 还利用 Samsara 中的安全排行榜功能进行游戏化,鼓励驾驶员之间的友好竞争,进一步提高该平台的采用和接受度。
  • The implementation of Samsara has positioned SUI as a national safety leader among regional service providers that work with their partner satellite business. They have not only met but exceeded their satellite partner’s requirements for safety, going above and beyond for their technicians. SUI now shares their safety best practices with other regional service providers. The Samsara platform has also proved critical in protecting the company in instances of driver exoneration. Furthermore, SUI has discovered additional benefits beyond their initial safety project using Samsara’s Connected Operations Cloud. They have leveraged the platform's functionalities to gain efficiencies, improve fuel efficiency, and enhance their bottom line.
  • SUI has not had an at-fault catastrophic vehicle incident since implementing Samsara in 2019.
  • SUI was able to avoid litigation and a costly settlement in a false claim case by providing video evidence from the Samsara dash cam.
  • SUI was able to secure an increased fuel reimbursement rate by using Samsara’s Trip History functionality to prove they were driving more miles than their satellite partners thought.




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