Gabriel India Ltd builds a single platform for group-wide ERP with IBM and SAP
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据库管理和存储
- 功能应用 - 企业资源规划系统 (ERP)
- 汽车
- 离散制造
- 采购
- 自动化制造系统
- 库存管理
- 系统集成
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
Gabriel India Ltd 在印度全国经营着六个主要制造基地,并计划在印度北部开设更多工厂。为了简化运营并支持增长,该公司希望转向单一的中央企业资源规划 (ERP) 解决方案,以支持制造流程以及财务和分销。其现有架构 - 基于 Intel 处理器的 HP Proliant 机器,运行 Microsoft Windows Server 和 Microsoft SQL Server 2005 数据库 - 甚至无法为 SAP Business One 提供足够的性能,而 SAP ERP 的预计资源需求要高得多。
Gabriel India Ltd 是 Anand Group 的旗舰公司,Anand Group 是印度领先的汽车零部件公司之一。该集团由 19 家公司组成,为印度国内和国际汽车行业制造原装设备和零部件。Gabriel India 专门生产行驶控制产品(减震器、前叉和支柱),直接供应给主要的汽车、摩托车和重型货车制造商,并通过代理商和分销商作为售后产品销售。该公司成立于 1961 年,总部和主要工厂位于浦那,并在纳西克、德瓦斯、霍苏尔、坎德萨和帕尔瓦努设有其他五个制造基地。该公司拥有约 2,900 名员工,每年生产 2000 万辆汽车,年收入约为 70 亿印度卢比。
该公司将现有的 SAP Business One 解决方案升级到 SAP ERP 6.0,并从 HP 硬件和 Microsoft SQL Server 迁移到完整的 IBM 解决方案:在两台 IBM Power 520 服务器上运行并由 IBM System Storage DS5020 磁盘系统支持的 IBM DB2 数据库。该公司还升级了其网络基础设施,为全国各地的用户提供更快的 SAP 应用程序访问。在 IBM AIX 上运行 IBM DB2 可实现深度压缩等功能,使公司能够将数据存储需求降低多达 70%,同时还能提高数据库性能。这在 SAP ERP 等数据库密集型环境中尤其有价值,因为提高数据库吞吐量会对总体响应时间产生重大影响。
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.