Largest Production Deployment of AI and IoT Applications
- 分析与建模 - 机器学习
- 分析与建模 - 预测分析
- 分析与建模 - 实时分析
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据交换与集成
- 功能应用 - 远程监控系统
- 传感器 - 环境传感器
- 传感器 - 电表
- 电网
- 商业运营
- 维护
- 欺诈识别
- 预测性维护
为了提高效率、开发新服务并在整个组织中传播数字文化,Enel 正在执行企业范围的数字化战略。实现财富 100 强公司目标的核心是大规模部署 C3 AI 套件和应用程序。 Enel 运营着世界上最大的企业物联网系统,在意大利和西班牙拥有 2000 万个智能电表。
- 96GW 发电能力 - 年收入 710 亿欧元 - 全球 6200 万客户 - 73,000 名员工
团队合作用 C3 欺诈检测应用程序取代了传统的非技术损失识别流程。新应用程序使用先进的人工智能功能,根据能源回收的幅度和欺诈的可能性,对服务点潜在的非技术损失情况进行优先排序。
该系统将来自七个 Enel 源系统和 22 个数据集成的 10 万亿行数据集成并关联到一个统一的、联合的云图像中,该图像近乎实时地在 Amazon Web Services 上运行。 C3 Fraud Detection 使用分析和 500 多项高级机器学习功能,不断更新每个客户仪表的欺诈概率。
为了提高电网可靠性并减少故障的发生,Enel 为 5 个控制中心部署了 C3 预测性维护应用程序。该应用程序使用人工智能分析实时网络传感器数据、智能电表数据、资产维护记录和天气数据,以预测馈线故障。
Electricity Meters, Weather
Case Study
Hydro One Leads the Way In Smart Meter Development
In 2010, Ontario’s energy board mandated that time-of-use (TOU) pricing for consumers be available for all consumers on a regulated price plan. To meet this requirement, Hydro One needed to quickly deploy a smart meter and intelligent communications network solution to meet the provincial government’s requirement at a low cost. The network needed to cover Hydro One’s expansive service territory, which has a land mass twice the size of Texas, and its customers live in a mix of urban, rural, and remote areas, some places only accessible by air, rail, boat or snowmobile. Most importantly, the network needed to enable future enterprise-wide business efficiencies, modernization of distribution infrastructure and enhanced customer service. To meet these needs, Hydro One conceptualized an end-to-end solution leveraging open standards and Internet Protocols (IP) at all communication levels. The utility drew upon industry leaders like Trilliant to realize this vision.
Case Study
Selling more with Whirlpool
Whirlpool wanted to add connectivity to appliances and transform the company's relationship with customers. Traditionally, Whirlpool interaction with customers was limited to purchases made once every ten years. Connected washer and dryers provide exciting new features like remote management of start times and inter-machine communication.
Case Study
SAS® Analytics for IoT: Smart Grid
Companies face falling revenues, rising infrastructure costs, and increasing risk of outages caused by inconsistent energy production from renewable sources. Less money is coming in as more people and organizations take steps to curb their energy use. Utilities are paying more to maintain and build infrastructure due to increasing complexity, resulting from the rising number of intermittent and variable renewable energy sources connected in the distribution grid.
Case Study
Enel Secures Italian Power Generation Network
Electric energy operators around the world are working to increase the reliability and cyber resiliency of their systems. This includes Enel, a global power company that manages and monitors the Italian power grid. This grid:• Serves 31 million customers• Has a net installed energy capacity exceeding 31 gigawatts• Includes more than 500 power generation plants,including hydroelectric, thermoelectric, and wind• Is managed and monitored by Enel 24/7/365• Is operated by Terna, the Italian Transmission System Operator (TSO)Enel is responsible for the availability of the grid’s underlying ICS and industrial network. It also manages Regional Control Centers and Interconnection Centers which connect with the TSO. The TSO manages the flow of energy to the grid plus controls and remotely regulates the power generation of power plants, increasing and decreasing power production as required. The complex system of interaction and cooperation between Enel and the TSO has strong security implications as well as operational and business challenges.
Case Study
IoT based Energy Quality Availability Monitoring Solution
There were several challenges faced:Since this data would be in the public domain, accuracy and authenticity of this data were of paramount importance. It should be able to withstand scrutiny.It is challenging to build an appliance that can withstand a wide range of voltage fluctuations from as low at 90v to as high as 320v. Since the device would be installed in remote locations, its resilience was of paramount importance.The device would have to deal with poor network coverage and have the ability to store and re-transmit data if networks were not available, which is often the case in rural India. The device could store up to 30 days of data.The platform that deals with the data should be readily available and highly reliable and never lose a packet of data.
Case Study
Hydro Utility Builds Foundation for Powerful Efficiencies and Protection
As the main British Columbia electric distributor, BC Hydro provides 1.9 million residential, commercial, and industrial customers with energy. The hydro utility transformed to a digital business with Cisco connected networking, security, and smart grid solutions. • Deliver reliable, high-quality services • Enable remote automation and monitoring • Connect applications over a common networking infrastructure