FM:Systems > 实例探究 > 领先的卫生组织与 FM:Systems 实施混合工作
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Leading Health Organization Implements Hybrid Work with FM:Systems

  • 功能应用 - 车队管理系统 (FMS)
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 混合云
  • 建筑物
  • 医疗保健和医院
  • 维护
  • 产品研发
  • 车队管理
  • 智慧校园
  • 系统集成
2019 年夏天,两家医疗保健组织宣布了合并意向。为了容纳不断壮大的、即将达到 5,000 人的团队,这些组织购买了占地 42 英亩的昂贵地产作为新总部。该地产包括四栋多层建筑,总面积达 522,000 平方英尺。它还拥有一座额外的 14,000 平方英尺的豪宅,拥有该空间的前一家公司将在这里举办活动。新园区代表着新英格兰最大、最具标志性的两家非营利医疗保健公司的合并,这两家公司几十年来一直是竞争对手。规划开设办事处需要为新总部做好混合工作安排的准备。为了简化繁琐、成本密集的办公室搬迁过程,新合并的组织需要一个工作场所管理解决方案,该解决方案可以提供空间规划、战略规划以及房间和办公桌预订功能。而且,与大多数合并一样,该组织必须了解每个实体正在使用哪些现有应用程序和系统可以在未来发挥最佳作用。
该客户是一家领先的健康和福祉组织,致力于为其社区中的每个人提供更好的医疗保健体验。该健康和福祉组织利用其两个创始组织近 90 年的经验和专业知识,通过广泛的健康计划和工具帮助人们找到适合自己的更健康的生活,从而使健康和福祉变得更加容易。该组织拥有 5000 名员工、240 万会员以及占地 522,000 平方英尺的园区,拥有四栋多层建筑。
该组织选择 FM:Systems 工作场所管理解决方案 FMS:Workplace 来创建和确定最佳平面图场景,并选择其房间、资源和办公桌调度解决方案 FMS:Employee 来实现成功的混合工作场所。这些解决方案共同提供了一个图形视图,显示特定 30 天、60 天和 90 天时间段内预留空间的百分比,以确定热点发生的时间和地点。 FM:Systems 合作伙伴 AMS Workplace Technology (AMS) 还被选中将员工徽章数据无缝集成到 FMS:Workplace 环境中,以提供有价值的报告和分析。由于新站点基本上未分配,因此该组织利用 FMS:Workplace 在 AMS 的帮助下配置储物柜分配和跟踪模块,为员工提供安全、可预订的空间,以便在办公室工作日放置其物品。
  • The organization successfully moved into the Canton campus in March 2022, which offered a variety of reservable and drop-in options to work, ranging from flex desks and benching desks to cubicles, standard offices, and flex offices for quick meetings. The new headquarters provides assigned and reserved space available with “focus rooms” and “hover rooms” for people to use as needed for heads down work, or quick impromptu meetings. The campus also includes a new “Innovation Lab” that features several breakout spaces with flexible furniture that can easily be moved depending on requirements. The organization is also in the process of implementing HR personnel schedules. The organization can now request that employees submit their intended flex plan schedule for the workday to determine how much on-site space is available. This helps the business understand its utilization, and thus make informed decisions to re-stack the building to make the most of its space.
  • The organization successfully moved into the Canton campus in March 2022
  • The company knows it only needs to provide less than 4% of assigned desks, with 100 essential employees being based at the campus.
  • The organization has 2,500 seats in the building and never had more than 2,000 people swipe into the building in a day.




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