AppFolio > 实例探究 > 简化运营并增强服务交付:TR Lawing Realty 案例研究
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Streamlining Operations and Enhancing Service Delivery: A Case Study of T.R. Lawing Realty

  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 事件驱动型应用
  • 功能应用 - 计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS)
  • 建筑物
  • 电信
  • 设施管理
  • 维护
  • 库存管理
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 测试与认证
TR Lawing Realty 是夏洛特地区单户租赁 (SFR) 管理的先驱,由于技术过时而面临运营挑战。该公司已有 65 多年的经营历史,管理着 2,400 多个单位,但其软件缺乏租户和业主门户,而且未能跟上时代的步伐。该公司还正在努力解决导致无法控制的停机时间的服务器问题,从而影响其效率和服务交付。此外,该公司还寻求简化从租赁到维护和会计的流程,以提高效率并控制成本。该公司还处理大量咨询,平均每月 4,000 个,这对租赁人员来说是不堪重负。
TR Lawing Realty 是一家信誉良好的物业管理公司,总部位于北卡罗来纳州夏洛特。该公司成立于 1957 年,是夏洛特地区最早专门从事单户租赁 (SFR) 管理的公司之一。该公司享有盛誉,管理着 2,400 多个单位。该公司已营业超过 65 年,见证了夏洛特房地产市场的指数级增长。尽管市场不断增长和变化,TR Lawing Realty 仍然致力于为房地产业主提供一流的物业管理服务。该公司由总裁 Tommy Lawing Jr.、副总裁 Joe Rempson 和会计主管 Sherry Kleller 领导。
TR Lawing Realty 采用物业管理软件 AppFolio 来解决其运营挑战。 AppFolio 提供了可靠的解决方案,最大限度地减少了服务器问题,从而减少了停机时间。该软件还附带了租户和业主门户,而这些门户在之前的软件中是缺失的。 AppFolio 帮助该公司简化了从租赁到维护和会计的流程,提高了效率。该软件还配备了人工智能租赁代理 Lisa,她可以帮助管理大量查询,过滤掉不太严重的查询,并将更严重的查询留给租赁人员。 AppFolio 还提供了内置的申请流程,使公司能够更快地处理申请,而无需手动输入数据。该软件还促进了在线支付,减少了走进办公室的人数,并将所有文本和电子邮件整合到一个地方,从而增强了责任感和解决方案。
  • The adoption of AppFolio has significantly improved T.R. Lawing Realty's operational efficiency and service delivery. The software has streamlined their processes, from leasing to maintenance and accounting, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. The AI leasing agent, Lisa, has been instrumental in managing the high volume of inquiries, allowing the leasing staff to focus on more serious inquiries. The built-in application process has also reduced the need for manual data entry, speeding up the application process. The software has also facilitated online payments, reducing the number of people walking into their offices and enhancing convenience for their clients. The software has also improved accountability and resolution by consolidating all texts and emails in one place. Furthermore, the software has enabled the company to meet the demands of their employees for more flexibility, allowing them to work remotely.
  • Over 70% adoption of online payments, reducing the number of people walking into their offices.
  • Efficient handling of an average of 4,000 inquiries a month with the help of an AI leasing agent.
  • Ability to purchase a portfolio of anywhere from 30 to 400 units without having to add a lot of staff.




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