Onfleet > 实例探究 > 可持续且便捷的假日购物:NYCTrees.com 案例研究
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Sustainable and Convenient Holiday Shopping: A Case Study on NYCTrees.com

  • 消费品
  • 运输
  • 物流运输
  • 采购
  • 最后一英里交付
假期是消费者支出增加的时期,其中很大一部分购物是在网上进行的。然而,最近的趋势表明消费者行为发生了转变,大多数美国人计划从有在线业务的当地零售商购买节日礼物,而不是亚马逊或 Wayfair 等纯在线零售商。这种转变在年轻一代中尤为明显,75% 的 Z 世代和 79% 的千禧一代计划进行此类购买。这些消费者倾向于在当地进行小额购物,支持符合其价值观和道德(包括环境意识)的企业。 NYCTrees.com 是一家小型圣诞树配送企业,面临着满足这些消费者需求的挑战,同时还要确保高效、便捷的配送。
NYCTrees.com 的客户主要是纽约市的居民,其中很大一部分是 Z 世代和千禧一代的年轻消费者。这些顾客重视小额本地购物,他们更愿意支持符合他们价值观和道德(包括环保意识)的企业。如果一家公司采取措施抵消其碳足迹,他们愿意为网上购物支付更高的送货费。便利性也是这些客户的一个关键因素,许多人赞赏 NYCTrees.com 提供的“一站式服务”和“无忧假期”体验。多年来,该公司与客户建立了牢固的关系,自公司成立以来,每年都有一些家庭订购。
NYCTrees.com 通过利用 Onfleet 的最后一英里交付管理软件解决了这一挑战。该软件使该公司每年能够快速有效地向纽约市居民运送和运送数千棵圣诞树。每棵交付的树都配有树架、交付、安装和树裙,顾客可以添加装饰包或用新鲜的花环和花环装饰自己的家。 NYCTrees.com 还提供清除服务,在假期结束后为当地公园覆盖树木,这符合客户的环保意识。 Onfleet 送货应用程序的使用改变了送货流程,使其成为“一站式商店”和客户的“无忧假期”。
  • The use of Onfleet's last-mile delivery management software has significantly improved the operational efficiency of NYCTrees.com. The software has enabled the company to quickly and efficiently route and deliver thousands of Christmas trees each year, transforming the delivery process into a 'one-stop shop' and a 'hassle-free holiday' for customers. This has not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also strengthened the company's relationships with its customers. Furthermore, the company's commitment to environmental sustainability, as demonstrated by its tree mulching service, has resonated with its customers' values and ethics, further enhancing its reputation and customer loyalty.
  • 64% of Americans plan to purchase a holiday gift online from a physical retailer and have it delivered directly to them this holiday season.
  • 75% of Gen Z and 79% of Millennials plan to purchase a holiday gift online from a physical retailer and have it delivered directly to them.
  • 79% of Americans with children under 18 in the household plan to purchase a holiday gift for a friend or family member online from a physical retailer and have it delivered to them this holiday season.




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