Axon Software > 实例探究 > 使用 Axon 软件转变业务运营:Trevis Berry Transport 案例研究
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Transforming Business Operations with Axon Software: A Case Study of Trevis Berry Transportation

  • 传感器 - 流量计
  • 传感器 - 液体检测传感器
  • 金融与保险
  • 运输
  • 采购
  • 仓库和库存管理
  • 人员跟踪与监控
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 系统集成
  • 培训
Trevis Berry Transport 是一家总部位于加利福尼亚州的公司,在运输各种产品方面拥有超过 82 年的经验,该公司面临着重大的运营挑战。该公司使用的是基于 DOS 的系统,该系统已经使用了大约 20 或 30 年,该系统已经过时且效率低下。该公司的业务,包括订单输入、调度、开具发票、计费和报价,大部分都是手动且耗时的。由于手动流程,该公司丢失了许多发票。开具发票的过程尤其繁琐,涉及大量文书工作,需要长达一周半的时间才能对本周的工作进行开具发票。该公司还面临现金流跟踪、未清发票、应收账款和应付账款跟踪等问题,这些都是手动完成的。该公司的薪资运营效率也很低,需要一名全职员工手动生成薪资支票。
Trevis Berry Transport 是一家位于加利福尼亚州吉尔罗伊的家族企业。该公司已运营超过 82 年,在加州和西部地区运输各种产品,包括瓦楞纸、蛋制品、葡萄酒、葡萄、桶、水果和蔬菜。该公司由 Trevis Berry 于 20 世纪 30 年代末创立,至今已代代相传。过去六年里,该公司的规模几乎翻了一番,目前雇用了超过 42 名司机。尽管有所增长,但由于 Axon Software 带来的效率,该公司仍设法保持了员工规模。
该公司于 2017 年采用 Axon Software 来简化其运营。该软件提供的自动化改变了公司的运营,从订单输入和调度到发票、计费和报价。该公司能够通过电子邮件向客户发送发票,从而提高了付款速度和准确性。该软件还提高了公司的现金流和跟踪能力,提供了未清发票、应收账款和应付账款的清晰视图。开票流程显着缩短,从一周半缩短到一天半。该软件还改进了公司的薪资操作,使其更像是一个审核流程,而不是手动数据输入工作。该软件还使该公司能够提供专业且一致的客户体验,并能够提供深层备份以支持所有交易。该公司还使用该软件进行库存控制。
  • The implementation of Axon Software has transformed the operations of Trevis Berry Transportation, making it more efficient and competitive. The software has not only automated and streamlined the company's operations but also improved its customer experience by providing consistent and professional service. The company can now provide customers with a deep layer of backup to support all transactions, enhancing transparency and trust. The software has also improved the company's cash flow and tracking capabilities, providing a clear view of the company's financial status. The company has also been able to reutilize its staff, allowing it to grow without increasing its overhead staff. The software has also proven to be scalable, with the company not hitting any restrictions in size and processing speed as it continues to grow.
  • The company was able to cut down its billing work from a week and a half to a day and a half, improving efficiency by over 75%.
  • The company managed to double its size, from 15 to over 42 drivers, without adding any staff, indicating significant operational efficiency.
  • The software paid for itself within the first year of implementation, indicating a high return on investment.




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