Anvyl 是一个技术平台,它使用数据分析来重塑供应链流程,使产品更好、更智能、更容易。它提供了制造过程的可见性,并简化了知名品牌与世界级制造商之间的关系。它标准化和自动化交互,协商合同和时间表,跟踪生产和质量,并提供视觉和数据更新以确保按时交付。 Anvyl 的客户包括 HIMs、Native、S'well、Harry's、LOLA 和其他直接面向消费者的品牌。它成立于 2017 年,总部位于纽约。
生产和物流可见性每个产品里程碑和预计到达时间的即时快照。查看您的入站供应链中的所有内容。与供应商合作,自动检查关键生产里程碑,并整合来自货运代理和其他物流合作伙伴的数据。 SKU 和订单管理订单详细信息到每个零件、供应商和分项成本。为您的供应链数据带来和谐。将您的整个零件库、采购订单和供应商目录存储在一个地方。当您需要访问它们时,在 Anvyl 上快速搜索以查找任何订单的最新信息。采购寻找和管理世界级供应商的地方。明智地消费,平稳地扩展。通过在 Anvyl 上采购,您的成长风险会降低。仅向合格的供应商提交 RFQ,更快地加入新的生产合作伙伴,并减少质量或交付问题造成的损失。
HIMs, Native, S'well, Harry's, LOLA
Case Study
OpenStore Streamlines Supply Chain Operations for Multiple Brands with Anvyl
OpenStore, a brand aggregator founded in March 2021, faced the challenge of managing procurement for over 40 brands. The company's mission was to identify, value, acquire, and scale long-tail e-commerce brands, offering liquidity to entrepreneurs who had grown these brands to their first six to seven figures in annual sales. The operations team, initially consisting of just two people, was tasked with managing all aspects of supply chain, fulfillment, demand planning, and product development. With an ambitious objective to grow to hundreds of brands as soon as possible, OpenStore needed to find a way to streamline operations and incorporate hundreds of unique supply chain management processes into a standardized, repeatable practice that could run with minimal manpower.
Case Study
Brooklinen powers their production process with Anvyl
Brooklinen, a leading e-commerce disruptor in the home essentials industry, needed an operational framework that could scale as they planned to expand their product offerings into new stores and regions. They required a system to streamline and automate their processes, centralize their data, and provide better visibility into the status of their goods. After raising a Series B of $50 million in March 2020, the company was poised for growth but needed the right tools to support this expansion.
Contguard supports global companies to optimize their supply chain by delivering in-depth information analysis as well as real-time data on their goods in transit.With Contguard you would know in real-time - * Your cargo's location.* Deviation from your planned route.* Arrival/Departure from defined locations.* Your Cargo's temperature and humidity tailored to your defined parameters.* Container intrusion alert - whether the container's doors have been opened or in other means. * Shake impact - in case your cargo is not properly handled.Contguard offers an end-to-end service that includes full logistics around monitoring devices so that our customers don't need to purchase or care for the hardware.
SupplyShift is a secure, cloud-based enterprise supply chain management platform for companies with many suppliers to reduce risk and enhance visibility and responsibility in supply chains. SupplyShift encourages competition and information sharing to drive visibility and responsibility improvement. Buyers collect and analyze supplier information and risk profiles through SupplyShift, while suppliers get a dashboard that tells them where they stand compared to their industry peers. Buyers gain access to more responsible suppliers through the cloud-based sharing of information, and suppliers can access information about how to improve.Key features of SupplyShift:>> Provides a system to collect multi-tier supply chain information based on custom scorecards or existing standards. >> Enables buyers to flexibly analyze information collected from suppliers. >> Incentivizes competition among suppliers to drive supply chain improvements by making anonymous supplier scores visible to all suppliers within a sector or product category. >> Facilitates supplier improvement by providing a system for suppliers to share information about best practices and actions taken to reduce impact. >> Expands options for responsible sourcing by allowing buyers to compare their own suppliers with anonymous scores of other suppliers in the system within the same sector or product category. >> Improves data quality: (a) buyers use internal algorithms to identify outliers; (b) suppliers upload and buyers view documentation and verification information; (c) buyers can contract third party verification of data at an additional cost.
One Network
One Network’s supply chain management solutions are a comprehensive suite of supply chain solutions that are tightly integrated, work together intelligently, and run in the cloud. These supply chain solutions are part of The Real Time Value Network.The Real Time Value Network is a multi-party cloud platform from One Network that exploits the latest trends remaking consumer and business technology, including the cloud, many-to-many networks, social networking, big and fast data, and mobile apps.