Scandit 为移动企业应用程序开发用于条形码扫描、文本和对象识别以及通过 AR 提供实时洞察力的软件。 Scandit 正在帮助企业用户和消费者通过智能手机、可穿戴设备、无人机和机器人等智能设备捕获的条形码、图像和其他视觉标识符,实时利用相关的数字信息增强物理世界。多年来,公司已发展成为一支由来自全球的移动图像处理、云计算和“物联网”专家组成的世界级团队。它已经形成了一种思想领导力和创新文化,始终致力于在移动 AIDC 领域开辟新天地。世界上许多最具创新性和最成功的公司已经从 Scandit 的下一代移动数据采集平台中获益。该公司总部位于瑞士苏黎世,并在旧金山、波士顿、伦敦和华沙设有代表处。
智能设备上的企业级扫描Scandit 移动计算机视觉软件为任何智能设备上的任何应用程序带来无与伦比的扫描性能,将其变成强大的数据捕获工具。我们的专利扫描技术几乎可以集成到配备摄像头的智能设备上运行的任何应用程序中。该软件专为企业级使用而设计,具有市场领先的扫描速度和准确性,并可扩展以支持大型实施。条码扫描将高性能条码扫描软件与移动设备相结合,为许多使用条码的行业的工作流程提高了速度和效率。文本识别 ( OCR) 添加到智能设备的光学字符识别 (OCR) 可立即读取护照和身份证、汽车中的 VIN 代码、医疗保健或制造业中的 LOT 或 REF 代码等项目上的字母数字文本。增强现实 (AR) 叠加信息以 AR 叠加显示在设备屏幕上。数据源可以是任何东西,从产品或交付细节到航班信息、库存计数或患者验证。
Scandit的技术栈描绘了Scandit在应用基础设施与中间件, 分析与建模, 和 传感器等物联网技术方面的实践。
Case Study
Enhancing Delivery Efficiency with Advanced Smartphone Scanning: A Case Study of La Poste
La Poste, France’s largest mail delivery provider, was facing challenges with its delivery process. The company, which employs over 90,000 mail and parcel carriers, is responsible for delivering 23 billion items annually, making operational efficiency a top priority. The carriers relied on low-end smartphones with an Android application integrated with open-source barcode scanning software for proof of delivery, track and trace, and other workflows. However, the scanning speed and precision were not up to the mark, leading to delivery errors. Misdelivered mail or parcels not only cost the company time and money but also affected its reputation. La Poste wanted to compare the performance of smartphones using open source scanning against those using proprietary software across a wide variety of devices, under a range of challenging real-world conditions.
Case Study
Supercharging App Ordering with 5x Faster Scanning: A Case Study on Elektro-Material
Elektro-Material AG, a leading supplier of electrical components to Switzerland’s construction industry, faced a significant challenge with their EM order app. The app, which was a significant source of business revenue, had an open source scanning solution that customers used to scan barcodes from a catalogue or print barcode labels for products that did not have barcodes. However, customers found the scanning process slow, often taking several seconds to scan a single barcode. This delay resulted in a poor user experience and led customers to prefer reordering over the phone or at an Elektro-Material branch, especially for large orders. Additionally, some products only had serial numbers, which could not be captured by the open source scanning component of the EM app. These performance issues negatively impacted the customer’s purchase experience and reduced the number of orders originating through the app. Elektro-Material wanted to improve the app’s performance and increase customer stickiness.
Case Study
Smartphone Scanning Revolutionizes Retail Operations at Colruyt
Colruyt Group, Belgium's largest retail conglomerate, was on a mission to optimize its retail operations and enhance customer experiences. As part of its digital transformation program, the company aimed to streamline store processes, improve co-worker and customer communications, and drive innovation. The group decided to replace shared dedicated scanning devices with personal consumer devices that would be easy for store staff to operate and always stay connected. They sought a solution that offered superior software-based barcode scanning, shared their vision for a platform to support future innovation, and was easy to integrate with its suite of apps, supported diverse frameworks and mobile architectures.
Cognex Corporation is the world leading provider of vision systems, vision software, vision sensors and surface inspection systems used in manufacturing automation. Cognex is also a leader in industrial ID readers.Cognex vision helps companies improve product quality, eliminate production errors, lower manufacturing costs, and exceed consumer expectations for high quality products at an affordable price.
Softeq Development Corporation was founded in 1997 in Houston, TX, as a full-stack software development services provider. Over the years, we shifted our focus from mobile and web application development to niche solutions — particularly, Machine Learning, immersive technologies and software and hardware for the Internet of Things.
Expert App Devs
We are a leading-edge mobile and IoT solutions provider. As a leading mobile app development company in India and the US, we help our clients handle complex business tasks with innovative IT and mobile software solutions.Our customer base involves clients at both domestic and global levels. They invest in our leading-edge and sophisticated technology solutions to accomplish business operations with acquirable results. With our offerings, we strive to lend a helping hand to our clientele in achieving targeted outcomes.As an end-to-end service provider, we specialize in developing both Android & iPhone applications that enhance productivity and user engagement for our partners.Speaking of our Android & iPhone app services in India and the US, we deliver custom solutions to minimize or reduce the latency of services to benefit customers. We excel in offering comprehensive solutions without compromising quality from design to development and deployment to support and maintenance.