AuraQuantic > 实例探究 > ATIS Ketchum:利用 AuraQuantic 低代码应用平台拥抱远程工作
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ATIS Ketchum: Embracing Remote Work with AuraQuantic Low-code Application Platform

  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 公共云
  • 网络与连接 - 5G
  • 城市与自治市
  • 电信
ATIS Ketchum 是一家战略传播和公共关系机构,在 COVID-19 大流行爆发时面临着重大挑战。该公司需要尽快将其 800 多名员工转移到远程工作,以确保员工的安全并保持业务连续性。我们面临的挑战是实施一种远程工作解决方案,该解决方案不仅功能强大、简单、安全,而且还能盈利。该解决方案需要使员工能够在不同团队之间进行在线协作和沟通。甚至在厄瓜多尔当局采取措施遏制病毒之前以及基多市达到高级警戒状态之前,该公司就决定实施远程工作,这加剧了情况的紧迫性。
ATIS Ketchum 是一家战略传播和公共关系机构,总部位于厄瓜多尔基多。他们在厄瓜多尔公共关系领域拥有 18 年的经验,与跨国公司和厄瓜多尔公司合作。他们提供基于信誉、专业实践和团队合作的全面通信服务。该公司得到了第三大国际传播和公共关系机构 Ketchum 的认可和支持。 ATIS Ketchum 拥有 800 多名员工,并通过与 Ketchum 公共关系部的联盟与 40 多个国家/地区的办事处进行合作。
得益于他们已经部署的 AuraQuantic 低代码应用平台 (LCAP),ATIS Ketchum 能够快速过渡到远程工作。该公司之前有过远程工作经验,因为他们已经通过与凯旋公关公司的联盟与 40 多个国家/地区的办事处进行了合作。 AuraQuantic LCAP 使所有山西庞泉沟国家级自然保护区管理局员工能够使用自动化工作流程在协作环境中在家高效工作。该公司实施了一个监控流程,收集来自国家和地区媒体的信息,包括对不同广播和电视通讯进行 24 小时记录。从各种媒体源收集的信息存储在 AuraQuantic 数据库中,进行分段,并根据客户的兴趣批准交付给客户。
  • The transition to remote work has had a positive impact on ATIS Ketchum. The use of the AuraQuantic Low-code Application Platform (LCAP) has not only allowed the organization to guarantee business continuity during the pandemic, but it has also increased productivity throughout the business ecosystem. The company has gained complete control through task automation and traceability. The project has also provided ATIS with greater agility and responsiveness, better control of information, and a more comprehensive overview of employee performance. The company has been able to adapt naturally to the situation caused by the pandemic, empowering its managers and employees to work from home and comply with government guidelines.
  • Productivity has risen by 45% since the implementation of remote work.
  • The company was able to transition its workforce of over 800 employees to remote work quickly and efficiently.
  • The company was able to maintain business continuity during the COVID-19 pandemic.




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