Celonis > 实例探究 > 戴尔通过流程挖掘实现数字化销售转型
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Digital Sales Transformation at Dell through Process Mining

  • 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据可视化
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 身份认证管理
  • 矿业
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 租赁金融自动化
  • 供应链可见性(SCV)
戴尔科技集团在销售流程中面临着重大挑战,特别是在交易注册流程中。该公司有两种类型的交易注册流程——一步式和两步式。一步式流程需要交易注册团队的直接批准,而两步式流程则需要其他相关职能部门的批准。然而,戴尔缺乏区分这两个流程的能力,导致对它们的数量和性能缺乏了解。这种可见性的缺乏也影响了更广泛的业务,因为戴尔无法对两步审批流程中涉及的功能执行服务级别协议 (SLA) 承诺。该公司需要一个能够深入了解其交易量并识别适合自动化的流程元素的解决方案。
戴尔科技集团是一家总部位于美国的跨国科技公司。它是世界上最大的科技公司之一,以其在供应链管理和电子商务方面的创新而闻名。戴尔在全球范围内提供广泛的技术解决方案、服务和支持。该公司的主要服务包括云、大数据、分析、物联网、移动性、网络安全、应用程序和 IT 基础设施。在这种情况下,该公司正在寻求改进其销售流程,特别是已经变得不透明且效率低下的交易注册流程。
Dell Technologies 与 Celonis 合作解决他们的销售流程挑战。 Celonis 提供了一种解决方案,该解决方案使用从核心 Salesforce 数据到电子邮件主题行的信息来更好地量化和区分一步和两步交易注册。这使戴尔能够了解这两个流程。凭借这种改进的可见性,戴尔能够识别大量可以自动注册和处理的简单一步交易。然后,该公司开发了一种自动化流程来批准这些一次性交易。此外,戴尔还利用 Celonis 的操作流程实施了主动的流程监控。如果 14 天内未注册交易,则会自动向运营团队发送一封电子邮件,使他们能够主动参与销售。对于客户和合作伙伴位于不同地区的交易,还设置了主动警报。最后,戴尔在 Celonis 中设置了运营记分卡,以便销售运营和支持团队能够清楚地了解他们最重要的 KPI。
  • The implementation of Celonis' solution has led to significant operational improvements at Dell. The company now has better visibility across one and two-step deal processes, enabling it to identify deals that can be processed automatically. This has freed up teams to focus on more complex deals that require greater attention. The introduction of proactive monitoring has also allowed the sales support team to engage with sales proactively, improving the efficiency of the sales process. Furthermore, the operation scorecard has provided sales operations and support teams with a clear view of their most important KPIs, enabling them to focus their efforts where they are needed most. Overall, the solution has led to greater deal velocity, fewer lapsed deals, higher revenue, and more satisfying working experiences for teams across the sales process.
  • By the end of 2020, Dell had automated almost 15% of deal processing, up from less than 1% at the beginning of the year.
  • Dell is now able to get back to its partners within 15 minutes of a deal being registered.
  • Proactive alerts have been set up for deals where the customer and partner are in different regions, helping the team create necessary documentation proactively and maintain sales velocity.




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