HyperWorks: Streamlining Boat Design and Engineering at Sea Ray
- 分析与建模 - 数字孪生/模拟
- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 中间件、SDK 和库
- 汽车
- 海洋与航运
- 产品研发
- 结构健康监测
- 时间敏感网络
Sea Ray Boats 是美国领先的高端游船制造商,不断面临豪华船舶市场创新和变革需求的挑战。该公司每年推出 8 到 12 个新的或更新的设计,工程团队在任何给定时间都致力于 6 到 7 个设计。设计船舶的主要挑战是创造可用空间,而该空间始终供不应求。大部分设计工作都集中在可配置的空间上,这些空间可以改变功能以满足多种需求。设计周期因船而异,通常平均为 8 至 18 个月,具体取决于船的尺寸和类型。 Sea Ray 的工程团队专门使用 Altair HyperWorks CAE 工具来执行船舶的整个分析过程,从建模和仿真到可视化和报告。
Sea Ray Boats 是美国领先的高端游船制造商。该公司隶属于全球最大的游船制造商 Brunswick Boat Group。 Sea Ray 以其美观、高性能的船只而闻名,每年推出 8 到 12 种新的或更新的设计。该公司的工程团队位于梅里特岛,靠近佛罗里达州太空海岸的可可海滩和卡纳维拉尔角。该团队专门使用 Altair HyperWorks CAE 工具精心创建和分析船只的工程设计。
Sea Ray 将 HyperWorks 的使用范围扩大到七名工程师,创建整艘船舶的全系统 CAE 模型,并研究各种负载条件下的设计。工程团队主要使用HyperMesh和HyperView来创建和评估其全系统结构模型。他们还在结构小组和海军工程小组中使用 HyperGraph 来绘制仪表化水上测试的速度、性能和重力载荷。机械工程部分最近开始使用 MotionView 来模拟许多机构的功能。 Sea Ray 仅依靠 OptiStruct 进行结构分析。标准 Sea Ray 模型分析包括未纵倾船舶上的惯性释放和振动模拟。随后,代表发动机、电池、发电机和其他非结构部件的点质量被添加到仿真模型中。
Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).
Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.