Axon Software > 实例探究 > BDS Group Inc. 借助 Axon Software 快速扩张
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Rapid Expansion of BDS Group Inc. with Axon Software

  • 网络与连接 - 全球导航卫星系统 (GNSS)
  • 汽车
  • 建筑物
  • 采购
  • 驾驶员表现监测
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 系统集成
BDS Group Inc. 是一家专门从事重载和流体运输的货运公司,由于其快速增长,面临着重大的运营挑战。该公司在艾伯塔省卡姆罗斯和北达科他州沃特福德市运营,不到六个月的时间,卡车数量就从 11 辆增加到 80 辆。这种快速扩张给他们现有的运营流程带来了压力,特别是在文书工作和发票方面。在实施 Axon 软件之前,该公司针对业务的不同方面使用多个软件程序,效率低下且耗时。开具发票是一个特别繁琐的过程,门票在处理之前必须经过三双眼睛。这不仅速度慢,而且还需要司机亲自将文件带到办公室,进一步拖延了流程。
BDS Group Inc. 是一家专门从事重型运输和流体运输的货运公司。该公司经营6轴至60轴的重型卡车和45吨至250吨的皮卡车。 BDS Group Inc. 在艾伯塔省卡姆罗斯和北达科他州沃特福德市运营。该公司由比尔·西蒙斯 (Bill Simons) 于 1978 年创立,当时只有一辆卡车,此后发展迅速。如今,该公司由 Bill 的儿子 Ryan 和 Michael 管理,规模已扩大到运营 80 辆卡车,包括公司自有车辆和业主经营的车辆。
BDS Group Inc. 采用 Axon 软件来简化运营并管理其快速增长。该软件使该公司能够将所有操作整合到一个程序中,从而大大简化了流程。特别是 Axon Link 应用程序彻底改变了他们的发票流程。司机现在可以直接通过应用程序上传门票,无需将文件带到办公室。这使得发票可以在几分钟内得到处理,显着加快了流程。该软件还帮助该公司管理日益增多的业主经营者,提供详细的报表并允许他们像员工一样进行设置。此外,该软件的工单/商店系统与卡车运输和会计系统集成,允许直接向客户开具发票,无需额外的工单或票据。
  • The implementation of Axon software has had a transformative effect on BDS Group Inc.'s operations. The software has not only streamlined their processes but also allowed them to manage their rapid growth effectively. The Axon Link app has been particularly beneficial, enabling drivers to upload their tickets directly and speeding up the invoicing process significantly. This has improved customer satisfaction, as invoices can now be sent out much faster. The software has also improved the management of owner operators, providing them with detailed statements and allowing them to be set up just like employees. Furthermore, the integration of the Work Order/Shop system with the trucking and accounting system has simplified the invoicing process for third-party mechanical work. Overall, the software has made everyone's life a lot easier and has been instrumental in the company's successful expansion.
  • BDS Group Inc. expanded from 11 trucks to 80 in less than six months, with only three additional staff members needed to handle the increased paperwork and payroll.
  • Invoicing process time was reduced from an hour to about five minutes per invoice.
  • The company went from using six different software programs to just one, streamlining their operations.




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